Sunday, May 31, 2015

Driven "God Has BIG PLANS For You."

“They that go down to the sea to do business in deep waters will see the wonders of God.” (Ps 107:23) I love to go deep sea fishing. When I fish in the Florida lakes, I pretty much know that I’m limited to fish that don’t require a large rod and reel. But when I go to the ocean, I’m excited, knowing that there’s no telling how big a fish I might pull out of the sea that day.

Why would any of us expect anything less than God’s Biggest and Best for our lives? You say, “Danny, “You don’t know about my setbacks, my disappointments, mistakes and my fears.” But have you ever realized just how Big and how Much the Heavenly Father loves you. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on a cross for your sins so you could have the Biggest and the Best creative plan for your life.
God is Bigger than your Setbacks. I read about a police officer who was responding to a 911 call, Eder Loor, 28 was stabbed in the face, neck, and the brain. The New York Times reported that the knife’s three–inch blade was just one millimeter from what controls his motor functions, vision, the nerve that gives sensation to the face and a major artery. Hell made an attempt to stop his destiny, but God was bigger than all those weapons against him. God is big enough to bring you into your destiny in spite of hell’s plots.
When Jesus was in Capernaum, four tenacious men decided to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus. When they got close, these friends ran into a major setback. The crowd was so large that the house was full. Not giving up, they chose to climb up and take the roof off to get to Jesus. Good thing they did, because Jesus saw their faith and the man walked out on his own two feet. The crowd said, “We've never seen anything like this before." (Mark 2:12)
God is Bigger than your Disappointments.  Tell me who hasn’t experienced their own share of disappointments. But that’s not a reason to doubt and disbelieve that God doesn’t have a greater plan than your situation. God entrusts ordinary people with extraordinary tasks so that He might demonstrate His power through us. Does the task fit you perfectly? Cast it aside for a better challenge. God always calls us to something greater than ourselves. Allow God to turn your disappointments into divine appointments.
God is Bigger than your Mistakes, You say, “Well Danny, God couldn’t use me, I have made too many blunders;” Hmmm, “Then how did God use Abram who got ahead of God and took Hagar to have Ishmael instead of God’s planned son Isaac? He later became the father of a great nation, Israel. How did God use Moses who got impatient and murdered an Egyptian solider instead of waiting for God’s timing? Later God used him to see Israel delivered out of Egypt.
God is Bigger than your Fears.   I heard a story about a man named Nick. He was a big, strong and tough man. He worked at the railroad yards for many years. But Nick was a chronic worrier. He was always fearing the worst might happen. One summer day, the crew was told that they could leave an hour early. Nick was out working in one of the refrigerated boxcars when somehow he accidentally got locked inside. He didn't have a cell phone and everybody was gone. When he realized he was trapped in that car, he began to panic. He started screaming at the top of his lungs. He guessed that the temperature was well below freezing. He thought, "If I don't get out of here, I could freeze to death. The more he thought about it, the colder he got. Shivering almost uncontrollably, he found a piece of cardboard in that boxcar. He wrote a note that said, "So cold. Body getting numb. These may be my last words." The temperature in that car where he froze to death was 61 degrees. Nick froze to death because he was convinced in his thinking that he was in a freezing car. The thing he feared came upon him. Choose today to see God’s Best and Biggest PLANS for your life. He will not fail you. “PRESS ON.”

Driven By His Presence 2

In last week’s Sunday Morning service, I took one of my neckties and auctioned it off for $140.00. Now let me explain. The tie originally sold for about $30.00, but being worn several times, now wasn’t worth more than two or three dollars. The reason somebody gave that much for it was not because of its present value, but because I said, “The person who gives the most money today for this tie; all the funds will go to missions.” Somebody believed in “Missions.”
What are you putting value in and on today? Many place a lot of values on their jobs, family, possessions, or their future retirement. God desires for us to place our value on Him and His design for our lives more than anything else in life. There is nothing wrong with putting value on your family, your job and things God blesses you with but, we must NEVER place anything of more value than His design for our lives.
I recently heard how someone purchased a Picasso painting for 179 million dollars. Why would someone pay that much for a painting? Even though I couldn’t and wouldn’t ever make such a purchase, we should ask ourselves. “Are there other things that I do place value on more than God’s design for my life?” God teaches us how to follow and chase after His design more than anything else in life.
Follow God’s Principals for your life. The word of God gives us clear principals to follow. “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” His principles will always line up with God’s perfect design for your life.
Follow God’s Presence. Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” (Ps 16:11) If you truly want to follow God’s design, The Holy Spirit is the one that will lead you into all truth. He came to direct us into His perfect will. Do you value His will today more than your status, fame or fortune?
Following God’s Presence will give you His Power.  Many people have a dream but say, “I don’t have the know-how or the gifting’s or intelligence to see my dream.” I was the last person on the planet that ever thought that I could be a pastor. God says, “He calls the weak things of the world to confound the mighty.” Sooner or later you need to realize, “It’s not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord.” (Zech 4:6) Just who are you leaning on today?
Following His Power will take you into His Promises. It was God’s power that opened the Jordon River for God’s leader Joshua and Israel to go across into the Promise Land. What are you believing for? Don’t get weary now, in due season you will reap if you faint not. There are promises that I am still waiting for. “Eye hath not seen nor has ear heard the things that He has prepared for them that love Him.” (1 Cor 2:9)
Remember, His Principals will lead you into His Presence that will take you into His Power to see all the Promises of God come to pass in your life. Follow Him and You will fulfill His design.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Driven By His Presence 1

Lecrae Moore, simply known as Lecrae, is an American Christian rapper, songwriter, record producer and actor, He recently walked into a store to purchase a white t-shirt. He was shocked as he saw the price tag of “640.00.” He went to the clerk and said, “There must be a mistake; what’s the real price?” The response was, “The special sales price is right; it’s because of whose name is on the shirt.”

Did you know that Jehovah God has created you and has placed His name on you as His child? You and I are His workmanship and He places value on the plans and designs He has for our lives. When He designed us, He tells us HOW to find His will and plan for our life. Before Jesus left this earth, He states, “I will send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who will guide you and lead you into all truth.”

Jesus says, John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.39 But this spake He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.”

Being driven by the Holy Spirit is one of the greatest eye openers you’ll ever discover in life. Attempting to go without God leading you can be not only frustrating, but also devastating! God led Israel with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. (Ex 13:21) Why would we attempt His plan with our own, know-how, experience or our “stinking thinking?”

He designed the earth by His Spirit, so He sends His Holy Spirit to lay out the plans and designs for your life. Before David was ever crowned King of Israel, Samuel was ready to pour oil on one of Jesse’s sons. Why not Jesse's first son Eliab? Why not his second, Abinadab or his third, Shimea? After Samuel had gone down the row of seven sons, he asks Jesse, “Do you have another son?” Jesse said, “Just one more, David; he’s young, a shepherd in the field watching the sheep.” It was God’s Spirit leading Samuel to anoint the next King of Israel, David. “God’s ways are higher than our ways.”

David was handpicked to do the work of God. He’s also chosen you to do His will. It won’t happen with your savvy, intelligence or your capabilities. You can’t do it without His Spirit’s anointing or His empowerment on your life. Some have placed values on Picasso’s paintings in the millions of dollars. One recently sold for 179 million dollars! Tesla’s new cars now sell for as high as $200,000. A Tibetan mastiff puppy sold recently for $2 million in China. Tom Brady and his wife sold their mansion in Brentwood, California for $40 million. But what’s valuable to God? Its one being Driven to do His Will and Plan.

God places more value on His will, design and plans than the most expensive yachts sold in the world. What’s going to really count when you walk into eternity? I have stood by the bedside of many who were in their dying moments before they left this earth. I have never heard one ask, “Can I see my trophies or my accolades one more time?” “How about one more spin in my luxury automobile?” “Could I see my bank statement one more time?” No, No, No!

It’s sobering to realize that one day we will all give an account for what was really driving us in this life! What are you being Driven by today?

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Driven To Our Destiny

I think all of us have known people who ran on empty when it came to being driven. Have you ever gotten behind a slow poke on the highway? It can be very frustrating getting around slow pokes. Most of us realize you can get a ticket for driving too slow on the highway.

I heard about a policeman who pulled over two elderly women and asked the driver why she was driving so slow? “Maam, do you understand what that sign means on the highway?” The elderly lady said, “Well, that sign “35” means the speed limit.” The officer said, “No maam that is the State road you are driving on.” She responded, “Thank you officer.” As she drove away she said to her friend, “I’m sure glad he didn’t see us when we were on State road 95.”

Have you ever thought about what’s driving you toward your destiny? When a baseball player hits the ball out of the batter’s box, it’s important that he move quickly out of the box to reach first base. If he lags or takes his sweet time, he will be thrown out at first base. There are several issues that are important in moving toward our destiny. Are you allowing your flesh or the Holy Spirit to move you toward your destiny?

FEAR will get in the way and throw you out at “first base”. It has hindered believers for years from using their gifts, abilities, talents and giving of their treasures to the Lord. Fear kept Israel’s 2 million people out of the Promise Land when God had opened the door for them to go in. Has fear crept in and slowed you down from God’s path and destiny?

Selfishness will also hinder you from being driven by the Spirit. The flesh cries out daily, “Feed me, me, me and more of me.” “He that lives by the flesh shall also die.” Dreams that God’s plan for your life will die unless you crucify the flesh and live by the Sprit. Paul said, “I must crucify the flesh daily.” Here is a man who was caught up into the 3rd heaven and saw things not permitted to be uttered, but yet he himself had to crucify his flesh.

DOUBT is the cousin of fear. Peter was walking where he had never walked before, on top of the water. When he looked at the boisterous winds and waves, he began to sink and said, “Save me Jesus.” Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt Me?” Have we allowed doubt to hinder us from our stepping into that new job, ministry, marriage, tithing, or the challenge that seems insurmountable?

UNFORGIVENESS will also hinder you from your destiny. Most of us have been tested in releasing someone who did something that deeply crushed us. Some are still holding on to things that were done 10, 15, 20 years ago. It’s a choice to let it go. You can continue to drink the bitter waters of Marah or you can choose like Moses to cut down a tree and watch the waters become sweet. You do that by looking to the wooden cross that makes the bitter waters sweet. God says, “All things work together for good.” It takes a choice to believe that.

So would you be labeled as a “slow poke?” It took Noah a 120 years to build a boat, but I wouldn’t call him a slow poke. He was one who just steadily kept swinging away everyday toward his destiny. That steadiness is what not only saved him but all his family. It’s better to Be Driven.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Driven Moms

If a stay-at-home mom was ever handed a “pink slip,” dad would have to hire a nanny, a driver, a cook, a janitor, a psychologist, a laundry-machine operator, and a myriad of other professionals for the odd jobs moms do on a daily basis. calculated that after all the various duties are added up, stay-at-home moms put in 94.7 hours in a typical workweek; and it would cost $112,962 a year to replace her! For working moms, the extra 57.9 hours a week of work they put in is worth $66,979.

I was not only blessed with a great mom who had much to do with the formation and development of my life, but I was also blessed with a wife who was incredible with our three kids. She invested so much of her time and energy during their childhood. I am so grateful that she is still involved in each of their lives to this day. Moms do make a difference in their kids’ lives.

Jochebed is a great example of a mom who went all out to prepare her son Moses. God used him to see two million Jews delivered from bondage in Egypt. God also used him to open the Red Sea so Israel could cross over on dry ground. To top it off, Israel saw their enemy, the Egyptian army, drown. Where did it all start? Did Moses’ mom, Jochebed, play any part in his development? “Yes!”  Mom, you as well play a very significant role in your child’s life.

There is so much that Moms do that is easily forgotten from when we were infants. Like the changing of diapers, feedings in the middle of the night, taking a child to the pediatrician, and getting their shots. They can answer to “I’m hungry.” “I’m starving.” “There’s nothing to eat.” “When’s dinner?” “Can I have a snack?” Over and over and over washing clothes, and cleaning the house. They always listen to the overly descriptive drama. They drive here and there and everywhere and back to here and there and everywhere again. They understand the art of playing games, taking them to sports events, school; and should I say more? Are you tired yet?

Moms stay up late, no matter what. They understand that every once in a while it’s okay to say “Yes” to the stuff at the end of the cash register counter. They have the ability to translate two year old talk. They hide chocolate. They are not afraid to dance in the kitchen, sing out loud, spin in circles, play music, and just have fun to music that they loved in high school. They can find the one pencil in the house that works during homework crunch time. They can take a teenage daughter shopping. They understand that slammed doors, (“I hate you,”) times of storming about and certain kids’ stuff are “normal.” They have the ability to find anything that is lost. They can make things work. They believe in their kids and their dreams.

Moms, I’m tired of just writing out a small description of the time you invest into your kids’ lives! You need to know that your time was well spent. Most kids will say with me today, “So much of what we are today is because you gave so much!”

Jochebed probably didn’t realize just how much her protecting, praying, and preparing Moses would change the world of her day. Moms, you’re valuable, and one of the greatest treasures a child could ever have. May God give you GRACE in bringing up your children in the ways of the Lord. Remember, Mom was God’s creation and God’s idea. Aren’t you glad God made Moms?

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Proverbs 10 Are You Roaring, Snoring or Soaring?

God desires for each of His children to advance and to accelerate in His love and purpose in life. There are distractions, doubts and devilish schemes out of hell to hinder and obstruct us from our destiny with God!
God wants each of us to do more than survive this journey. God’s plan for each of us is to THRIVE in the process. Marcus Lemonis on “The Profit” on the CNBC TV series, always talks about three things that bring success to a business. First are the People, then the Product and last but not least is the Process. All three are essential to making a business advance and succeed. Proverbs is also clear about people, processes and our product being the Lord Himself which brings the WIN in our lives.  Follow me closely as we observe the operation of the Holy Spirit working out His process in each of our lives.
PROVERBS 10:1 – Do you bring     or     to the Lord?
PROVERBS 10:2-3 – Winning the lottery isn’t the     !
PROVERBS 10:4-5   men hit the poor house with speed.
PROVERBS 10:6-7 – What       will you leave behind?
PROVERBS 10:8-10 – It pays to     right.
PROVERBS 10:11 – It pays to       right.
PROVERBS 10:12 – Have you     a hornets nest?
PROVERBS 10:13-14Your   quickly shows your level of wisdom.
PROVERBS 10:15-16 – We     what we sow.
PROVERBS 10:17 – The benefits of      .
PROVERBS 10:18-21 – Can my    ruin my life?
PROVERBS 10:22 – Nothing can match God’s      .
PROVERBS 10:23-25 A   or follower of God’s wisdom?
PROVERBS 10:26 – No room for      .
PROVERBS 10:27-30 – The secret in     life.
PROVERBS 10:31-32 – Is your      roaring or soaring?


Sunday, May 3, 2015


Have you ever gone to the mall, sat on a bench and just watched people? It’s intriguing to see people on a search for things like an iPhone, watch, shoes, TV, or clothes that may one day end up in a thrift store, garage sale or maybe just in a trash can. Where is it all going to end up? More important than things, where is your life heading? Many people leave it up to speculation, while some discover it can be found with Revelation.

Is there really a God in the heavens who can direct and lead our path in life? I once heard about a little girl who asked her mommy, “Where do babies come from?” She said, “In the beginning God made Adam and Eve and God blessed them with babies.” The little girl then went to her dad and asked the same question. He said, “In the beginning there were monkeys and then we evolved into humans.” She went back to mommy and said, “Mom, I’m really confused by what daddy told me.” Mom responded to her, “That’s real simple.” “You see Dad told you about his side of the family, but I told you about my side of the family!”

Friend, if you don’t start with The Creator, “Jehovah God”, you will never truly understand your PURPOSE in life. It’s our one act of obedience toward God that leads us to our next step of opportunity. God does have a divine destiny for our lives.

I don’t know where I would be today without taking my first step to God. That one step brought me Salvation, being filled with The Holy Spirit, a call to full-time ministry, my wife; and the location where I live and minister. It’s where the blessings and favor of God come from on my life. All it takes is our one act of obedience in the right direction and we can be the recipients of God’s opportunities and destiny for our lives.

God says in Genesis 1:1-4 “The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.  And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then He separated the light from the darkness.”

Before I found Christ, my life was without form; empty and darkness filled my heart. But when I listened and responded to the Holy Spirit who hovered over me, He filled my life with light. Yes, the Light turned on and I realized I wasn’t here by accident, but I’m destined and designed by God’s plan and purpose. He’s not only the architect of the world but He is the designer of our lives.

What’s driving your life today? We all make choices! Is it fear, guilt, pride, lust, greed, jealousy or the power to succeed in this world? Lucifer was driven with pride. He said, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14:14) Satan’s act of disobedience is what got him booted out of heaven along with 1/3 of the angels. Why don’t you respond to the Holy Spirit hovering over you today, and watch His Light give you purpose? Then Life will be more simple, focused, energetic and meaningful! Ask Him right now to take the wheel of your life; and YES, new joy, peace and power will fill your steps!