Saturday, January 6, 2018

Look Up and Get Up and Shut-Up

In Genesis 12, God told Abram to Look up into the heavens, and ask him, “Do you see the stars? That’s the way I am going to bless you and you’re offspring.”
The word says, “And Abram believed, and it was counted unto him as righteousness.” Satan will always challenge every promise that God gives you. Satan says things like, that can’t happen, just who said you will be blessed with an enormous family. You don’t even have a son yet! “Your nuts.” But God rewards believing with great benefits.
Next Abram and Sarah Get up and are navigating through Egypt and fear says, King Pharaoh will take one look at your wife, kill you and you’ll be toast, and finished. So then Abram concocts a lie that Sarah is his sister and not his wife. Pharaoh takes Sarah as his wife, but God sends a plague on him and his house. Pharaoh, says, why have you done such a thing? Leave the county.
Has God ever come to your rescue in spite of your mistakes? Friend, even in our failures, it doesn’t change Gods mind about His promises. Like Abram, Shake it off, Look up and Get up and Shut-up with all your doubts and disappointments and run with faith after all that God has promise you in your future. And declare, The Best is yet to Come!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Is God more than your 911 God?

Is God more than your 911 God? “Yes,” He will be there for your emergencies but He wants to go with you when you go to work, when you come home to see your kids and your spouse, when you go to the grocery, when you buy your next car. For sure we need Him in every decision but also in delighting in life with Christ.

Life is too short to just live in a 911 relationship with Christ.  He is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. But He is also the Savior of your soul.

Do you have people who only call you when they’re in trouble? Sure, we all do, but let’s make our relationship with Christ a powerful, dynamic, living, breathing and operating with the Holy Spirit guiding and leading in our destiny in life.

Talk to Him everyday, He’s there and you will watch God moving in your decisions, your desires, your dilemmas, and yes even in your delighting, and enjoying the life He gives us each day.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


So many in life are overshadowed and are driven by their fears, their hurts, their blunders, their mistakes, their burdens and their hick-ups in life. Noah and his family in Genesis 9 are now back on dry ground. It's been a rough ride but now God has dried up the waters of the earth. God hangs a rainbow in the sky and says; " Never again will a flood destroy the Earth"

This is a sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and everything living around you and everyone living after you. I'm putting my rainbow in the clouds, a sign of the covenant between me and the Earth. (12)

Even God says it's time to move forward. Too many of us in life live in the past instead of our future. None of us can do anything about our mistakes, our failures, our shortcomings, the things we wish we could change in the past. It's time to move ahead.

"Twenty years from now, you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did do." Mark Twain

There is a reason that you are still on planet earth. God isn't finished with you. There are still more mountains to climb, valleys to cross, victories to win, storms to overcome, and challenges to conquer. God is taking you and me somewhere. Regardless of the past or the forecast, like Noah; "I have all intention of staying on the boat till I see the sunshine again, and I see the heavens open up over my life and fulfill the mandate and the promises of God in my life.

What are you dealing with today? What keeps lingering in your fuzzy thought life? Allow the Holy Spirit of God to overshadow you with fresh vision, fresh energy, and fresh faith to go places you have never been, to do things that you have never done, to become someone that you have never been.

Through the spirit of God within you say; " No longer will I allow my past to overshadow my life, but I will be driven by Christ alone and the faith He has placed in my heart.  He will take the steering wheel of my life, and I will become all that He has created me to become for His honor and glory. In the days He has assigned my life on this earth, "I declare; today is a new day with new beginnings, yes new beginnings."