Saturday, February 9, 2013

God's Best or Leftovers? (2)

When boats, cars, or motorcycles are purchased, most want to know what size motor it has. Most men like more power. I have two keys that work with my Sea Doo jet ski. One key propels it to 35 mph, while the other key takes the same ski to 75 mph! I'll let you guess which key I use. Why did Elisha ask for more power in his day? Did he see something in Elijah, his mentor’s life, that he wanted and desired?

Elisha said to Elijah, “I want a double portion of what you have in your life.” Jezebel had turned Israel’s hearts from their God with her idols. God demonstrated His superior power on Mt Carmel over the gods of Baal. Elisha saw idol worship defeated, knowing he needed Power in his day to do the Work of God. He wanted God’s BEST in his life.

Do our kids ask us for DOUBLE what we have in our lives? Do they say, “I want my mom and dad’s faith, vision, courage, tenacity, boldness, and anointing that I see in their lives?" Is there a power available for us to do the Works of God in OUR day? Jesus said, “Greater works shall ye do because I go to my Father.”

Many in this world live a “Narcissist” lifestyle. Narcissism is a generalized personality trait characterized by egotism, vanity, conceit or selfishness. People are caught up in their OWN world.  If there’s ever been a day when The Church needed the Power of God to touch this narcissist generation, it's OUR day.

People in this world need MORE than their pop or rock music, friends to go clubbing with or booze to drink themselves to sleep. They smoke a joint of marijuana, snort cocaine, or hop from bed to bed thinking those things will satisfy. Where are the Elisha’s of today who say, “I want and need DOUBLE the power of God on my life?”

Did God give him twice the power? In one instance, a student building a new dormitory lost his ax head cutting down a tree by the Jordan River. He went to Elisha and the prophet asked him, “Where did you lose it?” When the student showed him the place, Elisha threw a stick into the water that caused the ax head to float.  The last time I checked, ax heads don’t float. Some of you have a son, daughter, friend, mom or dad stuck in their own muck and mire. God can use His Power of Love, Compassion, Joy, Peace and Power in your life to see them rise again.

Elisha was also used by God to see a Military Leader named Naaman healed of his leprosy. God used a little maid to declare to him, “There is a prophet in Israel who can change your world.” After obeying Elisha, he dipped 7 times in the Jordan River and was completely healed. Are there any more hungry Elisha’s wanting Gods Best? Is that You? Do you desire God’s Best for YOUR life?

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