Sunday, October 27, 2013

Add to your Faith…… “EXPERIENCE YOUR PAYDAY” #8

God states, “If you will add to your faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection and love, you will have a “PAYDAY of Victory.” Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit states, “If you possess these qualities in increasing measure, you will be productive.”

 These could be looked at as tools in becoming everything God would have us to be. Everybody struggles with something. In the pages of the Word of God, it is evident that men and women have their hang-ups and weaknesses. It’s up to us to add to our faith tools to overcome the entrapments that Satan uses to destroy us.

 Nobody climbs Mt Everest overnight. Those who have made it to the peak did it by taking one step at a time. BJ Gallagher writes, “Our journey is about progress, not perfection. It’s not about doing one thing 100 percent better; it’s doing 100 things 1 percent better each day.” God has a plan and a strategy for us to win. But you have to pay ‘up-front’ before you experience your Payday.

 Abraham kept pressing until he hit Payday. He struggled in believing for his promised son Isaac. It was his impatience that brought about Ishmael. Failure is not final unless you don’t get up. He persevered at the age of 100 and Sarah at 90, and they saw God bring about their promised son.  Payday came as they trusted God to fulfill exactly what He had promised.

 Isaac kept pressing until he hit Payday. He struggled with the Philistines who threw dirt in his wells. But he wouldn’t quit. He stayed in the batter’s box and faced every curve ball that came against him. He pressed on regardless, even in a famine, Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him (Genesis 26:12).

 Joseph kept pressing until he hit Payday. He struggled with his eleven brothers who sold him into slavery. He still trusted God who led him through some very deep and difficult steps. He was falsely accused for a crime he never committed and ended up in prison until he was 30 years old. Those 13 years of confusion eventually turned into a celebration.  He could have easily quit and turned sour and bitter. But he believed God had ordered his steps. As a result, thousands of people and own his family were saved in a famine. Yes, Payday came for a young 17 year old dreamer because he kept pressing.

 How long have you waited for your Payday? Have you become weary and worn to a frazzle? Keep taking one inch, one step, and one moment each day, pressing towards the mark. You may not understand it now, but God says, “Keep pressing till you hit the mark, for there is a prize.” Yes, keep adding to your faith and you will see your own PAYDAY OF VICTORY.                                    

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Pastor Danny. Your posts are always rich and applicable.
