Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sweet Spot Series - "Serving with a Sense of Urgency or Procrastination"

Most of us will always remember where we were on September 11th 2011. Ben Laden and his trained terrorists were on the loose as they hijacked and rammed our passenger planes into the World Trade Centers and our Pentagon. Nearly 3000 people were killed but President Bush said,”Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. Everything changed from that day. Airport security, a new TSA processing your luggage and check, check, check, here we go.

Phone surveillance and our Intelligence budgets have skyrocketed to $52.6-billion! “We're broke." The last U.S. budget surplus was in fiscal year 2001. The national debt now is more than $17 trillion -- or about $53,000 per person. “Ground Zero” is no more. Eight years in the making, the 104-story 1 World Trade Center is poised to open early this year in Lower Manhattan.  On 9/11 there was a Sense of URGENCY in the Air, but what about now? Are we being lulled to sleep again?

In the early days of the Church, the Book of Acts reveals a movement of Spirit filled believers on fire. After Christ rose from the dead, He ascended into the heavens. The Church moved forward and was aggressive in proclaiming “Jesus is alive, He is not dead”! Yes, Revival spread throughout the World. But has the church now lost its Sense of URGENCY? Are we concerned that Satan continues to steal, kill and destroy lives? Esther, David, and Nehemiah all served with a sense of Urgency. It breaks my heart every time I hear of another murder, rape, or child abuse victem and one who has been taken and sold into sex slavery.Human trafficking victims have been identified in cities, suburbs, and rural areas in all 50 states. They are forced to work or provide commercial sex against their will in legal and legitimate business settings as well as underground markets. The most cited statistics on trafficking come from the U.S. State Department's annual reports on trafficking in persons. According to the 2005 report, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year, with 14,500 to 17,500 trafficked into the U.S.

As I was in prayer a few days ago, I felt the Lord speak to my heart and say, “People will either serve me with a Sense of Urgency or Procrastination” I must confess, there have been times I have put off my wife’s “Honey Do” list, cleaning the garage out, fixing that leaky pipe under the sink, but yes, also things that could affect a man’s eternity: Is TIME RUNNING OUT? Am I moved to SERVE my God with my heart, hands and feet in changing people’s eternity?

There’s more to life than my comfort, convenience and my own calm. What are we willing to do to make a difference in bringing light to our dark lost city and world? Jesus said, “He that will be greatest among you, will be a servant” (Matthew 25:23). What do you say? More importantly, what will Christ say as we stand before Him one day at His Judgment Seat? I want to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”                                

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