Sunday, March 16, 2014

Reaching the Unchurched 2

     Jesus says, "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way” (Matt 7:13). On May 9th, 1980 the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Tampa Florida was knocked out by a cargo ship. One driver on the bridge in a pick-up truck was able to stop before going over the edge. He ran down the bridge to warn others with a scream, “The bridge is out, the bridge is out.” A Greyhound bus driver just waved his hand at him and kept on trucking. That day 35 people were killed when the Sunshine Skyway Bridge collapsed. Twenty-six of the victims of the Sunshine Skyway collapse were passengers on a Greyhound bus. Six cars and one pickup truck also plummeted from the bridge when it collapsed.

     Friend, one day the Whole World System as we know it is also going to collapse. Our assignment is to warn men, women, boys and girls that there is a bridge that’s out that leads to death, but God has a Bridge through His son Jesus Christ that will give you Everlasting Life.

     Too many of us in the Church have given into fear, pride and shame when it comes to sharing our faith. (Nearly 80% never share their faith.) Even His disciples were bold as long as Jesus was by their side here on earth. When the Jewish leaders came for Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter draws out his sword and cuts the ear off the High Priest’s servant. But what happened to that boldness when a few hours later they took Jesus to be tried and crucified? Peter denies that he even knows Jesus.

     Jesus gave His disciples an important revelation before He left this earth. He said, “Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift He promised, as I told you before.  John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:4b-5).

     Once the Holy Spirit came upon these sheepish men, they were willing to die for their faith. Peter stood and preached on the Day of Pentecost and 3000 people were saved. He would later give his own life by being hung upside down for His Lord. Andrew went to “The land of the man eaters” (Russia) and would later be crucified. Thomas would have four men pierce swords through his body, Matthew was stabbed to death in Ethiopia, while James the Son of Alpheus was clubbed and stoned to death. John in his late nineties was later cast onto the Isle of Patmos where he was thrown into boiling oil.

     Something dramatically changed in all of His disciples. They had all run and forsook Him at His trial and crucifixion, but the POWER of the Holy Spirit forever changed their courage, tenacity and fire within their bones. Church, if we’re to Stand Up for our God in these troubled times, we’ll never do it without the “Dunamis” Power of the Holy Spirit!

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