Monday, June 2, 2014

Am I Procrastinating Being "All In?" - Part 2

Can you tell me who Shammua, Shaphat, Igal, Hoshea,  Gaddiel, Gaddi, Ammiel, Sethurson, Nahbi, Geurlor, or even Paltison are? Most of us would have to go on the Internet to research  who these people possibly are. The reason 99.9% of us don’t recognize their names is because they never did anything positive in helping advance or move Israel closer toward the Promises of God. These are the names of the 10 spies who came back to Moses and said, “We are not able to go in and possess the Promise Land.”

Why would you remember somebody who never did anything positive to advance moving people closer to the promises of God?

It had nothing to do with them being smart, energetic, well groomed, or even favored with leadership. These 10 men came back with an evil report. How would you like to be labeled as one who had nothing positive to bring to the table of God’s plan and purpose?

These 10 spies had several deficiencies.

They said, “Let’s Play it Safe”

You will never get to where God wants to take you by playing it safe. When my wife and I came to Jacksonville Florida, we both heard the enemy whisper in our ears, “You might starve to death; how are you going to put food on the table, gas in the car, and pay your insurance? You are going to go broke.” Well, yes we really didn’t have two nickels to rub together. But I simply refused to listen to Satan’s nonsense. He said, “If you go, you may never come out of the hole again.” Satan never does have anything positive to say to any of us about our future.

Why would you want to line up with the enemy? Why would you want to say what he says?  These 10 men ended up causing a million plus to die in the wilderness, all because their doubt led them in the wrong direction. Why would you want to wander in the wilderness? Nearly 3,500 years ago, the Lord Delivered His people from Egyptian bondage as described in Exodus, chapters 1-12. They were to take possession of the land God had promised their forefathers, a land flowing with milk and honey. Don't fall into the same trap of putting God off and missing the promises of God.

 Today, choose to take a Risk and do things God’s way. Are you procrastinating
His direction for your life? You must decide if you’re “All In” or not? Quit dabbing your foot in the water; dive in and accept His love and grace that will get you where you need to go.

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