If you were lost in the woods for several days, could you survive? Do
you think you could identify the foot tracks of a deer, pig, fox or even a
bear? It could be the food for your survival. It might be what saves your life
from death. Each of us is leaving a trail. Our kids, peers, friends and family
probably have a good indication of what we are leaving behind with our foot
tracks in life.
· HUNGER, when Satan said,
“Turn these stones into bread,” he was wanting Christ to live a life about “Me,
Me, Me.” This life isn’t about me, but rather it’s about living out God’s
agenda and mandate. Jesus said, “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent
Me.” (John 4:34)
· MANIPULATING. Jesus could have tried to control His Father
to do what HE wanted instead of living out His Fathers plan. He prayed, “Not my
will, but your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” IF you listen to
Lucifer, he will lead you down the wrong path of destruction. Jesus refused to
listen to Satan’s cues.” There is a way that seems right, but the end is
· WORSHIP, Satan craves the world’s worship of himself.
He is the most egotistical creature who ever came into being. Worship God and
He’ll NEVER leave you empty or void. Only Jesus can satisfy you loneliness,
emptiness, and thirst for fulfillment. Listen to Him now; He truly is the
Living Water who will quench your thirst in the desert forever!