Saturday, July 12, 2014

Let It Rain 1

One of the farmer’s worst enemies is a lack of rain. When there is no water, the soil can’t produce strawberries, peaches, oranges, blueberries, potatoes, peanuts and grapes. The bugs, birds and deer can all be controlled, but rain from the sky comes from our God in heaven who blesses the earth with his moisture and rain.
In the Bible we read about many droughts throughout history. Famines happened to Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, David, King Ahab, Haggai, and even the early church days written in the Book of Acts. To everything there is a season. Just how do you handle the droughts that come your way? Business owners, churches, families, relationships, governments, the stock market and one’s health can all face seasons of drought.
I recently was out on the west coast of America. My wife and I had the opportunity to visit the Hoover Dam. I was amazed to see what a man had built in the desert. Through many men who designed, engineered, labored and even gave their lives, today there is power and water that flows into California, Arizona and Nevada. Someone had an idea on how to make the desert bloom. You may be in a season of your life that you’re losing hope that God could make your desert bloom again. Has your marriage, business or ministry seemingly lost its vigor and life?
What could have gone wrong? Was there a reason for the famine? History tells us that King Ahab married a woman named Jezebel who introduced other gods to Israel. So then God sent a famine in the land to get their attention. Don’t ever think that God doesn't know how to get your attention. Three and half years went by with no rain which led to days of grief and sorrow for Israel. Finally, God leads Elijah to a showdown match with the false prophets of Baal and Asherah. He proclaimed that whichever God answered by fire on the altar sacrifice was the one True God. After the Baal prophets cried all day, nothing happened until Elijah prayed and God sent fire out of heaven that burned up the sacrifice on the altar. The false prophets were then destroyed.
Then Elijah told his servant to go look out over the mountain. He went and looked some seven times before he came back and said, “I see a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand”; it wasn't long until the clouds turned black and it began to thunder as the sound of an abundance of rain fell. 
Are you ready for rain on your drought? Are you ready to seek God’s face to see Him change your life, your world, and your situation? Nothing is too hard for God! If He sent rain then, He can do it again IN your ordeal. “He is the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) Friend, don’t lose HOPE that God has forgotten you in your drought and despair. "God, do it again for those who will turn their face and hearts towards heaven”. I’m looking and listening for the sound of an abundance of rain.

Let It Rain Video Message 

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