Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Beginnings In 2015 #!

Each year presents itself with new opportunities to elevate our faith to a higher high. Is there room to increase your faith? What about your Joy, Peace, Courage, Confidence, Kindness, Gentleness, Meekness or Love? Is there a path to move higher in your walk with God?
I have noticed when I go snow skiing that there are challenges in going higher up the mountain. I’m better when I drink more water to overcome the changes in the higher altitude. If I don’t preplan in my moving up to higher elevations, I get light headed, nauseated and sometimes chest pains. God also has plans taking us higher in our journey with Him. Let’s discuss some things that can help you in your trajectory in taking One Step Higher in 2015.
Put Your Past Behind You. Paul said; “I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.”(Phil 3:13) Paul’s hand was engaged in putting Christians in prison and was there when Stephen was stoned to death. Stephen said; “Lay not this sin to their charge” Paul decided not to look back but press toward the mark God had for him.
Keep Reaching Higher. Paul said, “I have not achieved it.” (Phil 3:13a) He was saying, “I have not arrived, I haven’t done   it all yet, I still have a ways to go.” When you think you’ve learned all you need to learn, you are in TROUBLE. You cannot possess what you do not pursue. Paul went on to say, “Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall”. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t need His grace, mercy and courage for the journey.
Stay the Course. It encourages me to watch those who press on beyond and through the bumps, potholes, curves, hills, valleys and storms of life. Nowhere does God say that if you serve Me, it’s all smooth sailing. Jesus says, “In this world you shall have tribulation; be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world”. (John 16:33) You can make it through divorce, cancer, bankruptcy, termination of your job, being falsely accused, going to prison, paying off your college loans, providing for your family in a tough economy, working in a high pressured environment, being abandoned in a relationship, or finding out that your kid is on drugs. Nobody said life would be fair, but He did say; “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. Christ did say; “Nothing shall be able to pluck you out of my hand.” (John 10:29)
Keep your Eyes on the Finish Line I’m excited about the day Christ has prepared for His Church. One day He will come back for those who have prepared themselves like a bride that’s prepared herself for her groom. What a glorious, incredible day of New Beginnings in Heaven. One day we’ll walk on streets of gold, live in a city 1400 miles high, wide and deep. Keep pressing; it’s going to be worth it all, to press beyond anything we’ll ever face on this side of heaven. Could it be 2015?

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