Saturday, April 23, 2016

Turning Your Mess into Music

Max Lucado recently tells about some kids in Paraguay who are making music with their trash. They're turning washtubs in the kettledrums, drain pipes into trumpets. Playing Beethoven with their plastic buckets. Two men in that country became very creative with the trash in a landfill. They turned a paint can and a oven tray into a violin. Their next instrument was a cello. And these kids are making music of it.

But how is that possible? Somebody got creative and turned a mess into some music. Thousands of years ago, the creator of the universe, our supernatural God, created the heavens and the earth out of nothing. He spoke the moon and the stars into existence. He created man from the dust of the earth. When he spoke, the birds began to sing and the whales began to swim in the deepest oceans and the lions begin to roar in the jungles.

Today you may be despondent, discouraged and full of doubt about your future! If God can create a man from the dust of the earth, just what can he do with you and me. God’s word declares, "For we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God."  But when God gets a hold of you and me, He can transform an alcoholic and make him free.  He can take someone bound on heroin and cocaine and cause them to live a productive life. Is there anything too difficult for God to do in a human life?

There's never been anybody yet that God did not love. There's never been a creature yet that He could not change and transform. God specializes in creating miracles out of our lives.

Look at Peter, a fisherman who walked with him three years, but yet he denied Christ when he was being tried as a fake. He said, "I never knew him. " What could God possibly do for one like Peter? Fifty plus days later, The Lord restored and renewed him and caused him to preach on the day of Pentecost with 3000 people coming to Christ.

Look at Moses. The man who had a calling to see Israel delivered out of Egypt. One day he kills an Egyptian soldier who is beating on a Hebrew man. He then runs for his life, yet God is not finished with His plan. Whether you believe it or not, God can make some music out of your mess. After forty years on the backside of a desert in hiding, God produces a fire out of the bush in the desert. God speaks out of the bush and declares "take your shoes off, you’re on holy ground."

God was saying, I’m not finished with your life just yet. You just thought it was over with your dilemma, but I am about to make some music in Egypt like they've never seen or heard before. After 10 plagues and the drowning of the most powerful nation in the world, Israel is on the other side of the Red Sea singing, dancing to a song that no one would ever forget.

Why not believe today that God can write a new song out of the hick up, hurt, and pain in your own life. Why not use your faith in Christ today? The greatest creator who ever walked the planet earth is about to write the greatest chapters of your life. Why not believe today that God can still make some music out of your mess. When He does, you won't be the first one nor the last that can sing, “Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me."

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