Thursday, May 2, 2019

Is My Life And Accident Or By Design?

                                                                                          Danny Baggett 5.5.19
When Jesus was baptized in the Jordon, everything changed. Are you living under the Open Heavens? Do you know why you’re here on the planet? Are you living with His Favor and Blessings or are you walking out a dull, dreary, dismal, boring, empty and miserable life?
On the New York Times, Best Seller’s list is Rick Warren’s book,” The Purpose Driven Life.” Long before Rick wrote his book, God designed you for a Purpose. You are not an accident. Regardless of what your mom or dad may have told you, God knew all about you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. 
When you realize that God had planned you long before you came into this world, it changes the way you view life. It gives you a new perspective in the way you look out the window of life. Many people go through their days with a cloudy perspective. They guess at what they’re supposed to do with their journey. Some cast their life to the wind because they haven’t come to the truth and knowledge that God is the designer of their life. So, is our life an accident or is it by design?
AIR, When you think of the way God created the universe, He placed oxygen in the air so we could breathe. The air is about 21% oxygen; had it been created 50% oxygen, the next time someone lit up a match we would all be toast! Is 21% oxygen by accident or by design?
TEMPERATURE, God created the sun with a temperature of 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit, some 93 million miles away from the earth, just the right distance. If the earth’s temperature were even 50 degrees hotter or colder, all life would cease. Why was the earth not placed twice as far away, or twice as close? Is its distance by accident or by design?
ROTATION, The earth rotates 365 times a year around the sun. Suppose we only rotated 36 times instead. Well, our days and nights would be 10 times as long; we’d be terribly hot on one side and unbearably cold on the other. And life as we know it would begin to disappear. Are the rotation numbers by accident or by design?
When will you hear the knock at the door of your heart? When you say Yes to the master of the universe, the Savior of the World who only came to get you ready for your purpose, plan, and design for why you’re here on the planet?
Realize today that God has created you for a reason. When you dig into the Word of God, you begin to realize that you didn’t choose God but He chose you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit. Being “wealthy” isn’t driving fancy cars, living in a condo on the ocean, wearing diamond rings, and having millions of dollars in your bank account. WEALTH is knowing and believing the fact that God created you for a purpose.  
When you live out His purpose, you will begin to experience great peace and joy like nothing the world can give. Are you ready for His plan, His power, His Peace, His Purpose and being Prepared for eternity? Why not stop what you're doing right now and say, “Lord here I am, I surrender, I believe that you died for my sins, and rose again. Yes, I believe that you will forgive me now and raise me up from my dead life so I can get on with your purpose for my life. I say yes today, right now, and from this day forward, I will never be the same, I receive you as my Lord and personal Savior.  

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