Sunday, January 20, 2013

Is Hell Hacking Into Your Money Matters (1)

Google is challenging hackers to find holes in its Chrome browser with a sweetener. They’re offering 1 million in prizes to people who can find bugs or vulnerabilities in Chrome. Hackers steal up to 1 Billion dollars each year.

Satan is also hacking into people’s possessions without using malicious malware or the use of software worms to steal passwords in order to get into their bank accounts. So what is Satan’s scheme? He warps people’s thinking and bends and bangs up their attitude to rob blessings from God’s own creation.

Does God really have much to say about money matters? There are more Scriptures on stewardship and money than any other subject in the Bible. There are 500 on prayer. There are 500 on faith. 16 out of 38 parables are on giving. 1 out of 10 verses in the Gospels is on stewardship. 2000 verses on money and possessions.

So how does Satan hack into someone’s thinking? Satan leads people into thinking:
It sounds like a similar weapon Satan used against Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. All through America, people live in comfortable homes, drive nice automobiles’ and eat in fine restaurants. Yet they live defeated, depressed and despondent lives. Not everybody is in as good of shape as it appears.

The average American household is 15,600.00 in credit card debt. The average American is 7600.00 in credit card debt. If you pay the minimum amount, it will take you 30 years to pay off your balance. You will have paid an extra 29,000 above your balance. Hold on to your pacemaker… After you’ve worked 30, 40, 50 years, 80% of Americans will end up with 200.00 in the bank. Why?  Hell is hacking into men’s thinking, and their thoughts about money matters.

Do you remember the commercial, “I bet you can’t eat just one?” Yep, Lay’s Potato chips made that bold claim. Well it’s a lie that Hell has put out there for you to believe. “I’ve got to have just a little bit more.” God has a better way. Next time we’ll look a bit deeper into His Word on Money Matters.

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