Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Beginnings 2013

Genesis 32:28 "Your name shall no longer be Jacob, But Israel."                                                            

It's hard to believe 100 years ago life expectancy in America was 47 years. Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub. Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone. 95 percent of all births took place at home. There was no Mothers day, no Father's day. Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write. Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school. A lot of things have changed in a hundred years. Aren't you glad for some of the changes over the past 100 years?

In Genesis 32, we read where Jacob was known as, "The grabber." His twin brother Esau was born first and right behind him was Jacob grabbing onto his heel. That wasn't the last time he grabbed something that wasn't his.

He would have been placed in the category of men like Bernie Madoff who swindled billions from investors. Jacob stole his own brother's inheritance and also the future blessings from his dad. Esau was so angry at his twin brother, he threatened to kill him. Quickly, Jacob grabbed his shoes and ran for his life.

Is there any hope for grabbers like Jacob? Can God change one who is bent on evil and deception? It's now been 20 years since Jacob had seen his brother. God is now leading Jacob to new beginnings. God led him to go back to his homeland.

There are those today that God is leading you back to your home and place in God. All your grabbing after the world and it's lust and pride has left you empty and void. In the night before his confrontation with Esau, Jacob cries out to God. He wrestles with God until the breaking of the day. He refused to turn lose and held onto God until he received a blessing from Him. That night He grabbed onto something that would change his life and future forever. That evening God touched his hip and he never walked the same again.

He realized all the grabbing for this world and it's glitter would only leave him empty. That night God gave him a new name. "Your name will no longer be Jacob, but you shall be called Israel. He meets Esau and there is no fight, no fuss, and no revenge from Esau. He falls into his brother's arms of mercy and great grace. This day he would grab his brother's love, forgiveness and mercy. God was giving both of them, "NEW BEGINNINGS." Can God do it again? Can we fall into the arms of an everlasting God that will show us His love and mercy? YES!! By the way, He can give you a new name and a fresh start today.

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