Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Moses Climbs Higher

In Moses' dying days, we see him climbing higher and higher up Mount Nebo to Pisgah Peak. There the Lord allowed him to see and view the Promise Land where Joshua would lead the people across the Jordan River. (Deuteronomy 34 )

Who said in your later years that you were to slow down and crawl inside a cave and die? The Word says that before Moses died at the age of 120, his eyesight was clear and he was stronger than ever before. Too many seniors in their later years lose more than their health; they lose the will to live, serve, be used of God, and to complete the dream that they started.

Moses doesn't back down in his last years of leading the people of God. He writes a song that Israel is to learn in going over into the Promise land. He is giving instructions to their new leader Joshua who will take them over into the land. He gives them warnings about traps and ways the enemy will try to distract and detour them in their new journey.

 It's not over till GOD says it's over!  It's our culture that leads many down the path that tells us in our older years, all we are to do is just retire, get a motor home and tour the nation. I have no problems with people touring the country, but if that is all you have to dream about, you will most certainly die an early and empty death.

Dreams are what keep people alive. Like Moses, keep climbing up your own mountain until the Lord brings about your last dying breath. There's still much work to be done in the kingdom of God. Like Paul, let's all have the testimony, "I have fought a good fight, finished my course, and kept the faith.  Are YOU climbing higher?

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