Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Kidnapped Culture “Preferences or Purpose”

It concerns me that many of our churches in America have hit a wall when it comes to growing.  Barna  Research Group is predicting that in 30 years , 25% of America will be Atheists! I think you would agree that the spirit of anti-Christ is growing daily in our nation. Why do we lose 96% of those who graduate High School from our youth groups?  Thirty years ago the church only kept 40% of our High School graduates in their youth groups.  Now, the church only keeps 4% of that same group!

Has the older generation decided that our hymns are more holy than the new praise and worship music  that has swept across the nation?  Are they REALLY  more holy or is it just our preference? I’m convinced that  the dearest songs to your heart will be those you sang when you gave your heart to Jesus.  They’re  more special to you  because they tie a thread to the most wonderful ,glorious day of your life.
Churches that tell young people that they  don’t have room for their style, song or beat, are going to dampen their faith and have difficulty in their responsiblity in passing off the baton to the next generation. Friend,  the most important thing we can do  is to focus on what we both have in common.
What DO we have in common? Do we ALL love the Lord Jesus Christ? Do we not ALL want to reach those who are in desperate need of the Saviour?  Do we ALL not know that one day Jesus will come again for those who are watching and waiting for Him?

Why would we want to split hairs on our differences instead of what is going to get people ready for heaven? Many people go to a church because they love the music; some put a higher priority on the preaching of the Word or their friendships that help them grow in the Lord. Some place a priority on the ministry that God has called them to fulfill .Friend,  before you consider leaving  your church, give thought to your priorities. NO church is going to be a 100% fit for you.  Be flexible and stay focused on PURPOSE instead of PREFERENCES .

The prophet Daniel was only 14 or 15 years old when God used him to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. David was only 17 when God used him to bring down the giant Goliath. Joseph was 17 as God prepared him to save many nations that would go through a famine. Young person,  you don’t have to wait until you’re  40 or 50 years old for God to use you. Mom and Dad, recognize that God’s hand is on them RIGHT NOW! God is preparing and shaping them NOW to be used in the Master’s hand. Don’t dampen their creativity, style or “out of the box “ways of being used by God. David didn’t use Saul’s weapons to bring down a giant! He used his own creative ways.

So will we focus on our preferences in building His Church? Or, will we choose to focus on our purpose to reach a lost and dying world? God will never change the MESSAGE,  but He will change  the METHODS to reach people. Focus on the SUBSTANCE and not the style.  Focus on God’s  PURPOSES and not your preferences. Focus on using your FAITH and not your fears Church, lets go for it; time is running out. We will all stand before God one day and give an account for reaching those without the Savior.
Family Series Q&A Video Message

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