Tuesday, June 4, 2013

God's Bucket List (4a) "Promises"

A few days ago, I took my first ride down a Level 4 rapid in Denali Alaska. As I started down the white river rapids, I said to myself, "What have I gotten myself into?" Many times people miss the ride of their life because they allow some key factors to hinder them from "God experiences" that were planned out for their life. 

 Each of us in life was created for a reason. You were created to solve somebody’s problem in the world. Doctors were created to help people get well. Electricians were created to bring power and light into our homes. Firemen protect lives and put out fires. Lawyers were created to help people with legal issues. Musicians bring us cheer and a smile of encouragement to our lives. Have you really sought out why you were put here on earth?

 Many people don't like what they do with their life. Seventy percent of people surveyed say that they hate their job. Why would you want to spend the rest of your life doing something that you hate? Why not spend some time finding out what God wants you to do with your life. “Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart” (Psalms 37:4, 5).

I believe each of us was created with a list of Plans and Promises that God has ordered for our life. Many never see their promises fulfilled because they fail to overcome some key factors that each of us deal with. If you can learn to overcome the Bullets of destruction, get ready for the ride of your life.

 Joseph was given a dream from God but would face many ‘bullets’ of destruction along the way. Would he hang tough until he saw all of God's promises come into reality? First, he had to deal with the Bullet of Discouragement. His brothers had heard all they wanted to hear about Joseph’s dreams. He didn't use a lot of wisdom in telling them that one-day they would all bow down their knees to him. They took those words and decided to kill him. They ended up throwing him into a pit and later sold him to some Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver. The brothers said, “Now, let’s see what becomes of his dreams.”

Have you given up on your Bucket List of Promises from God? Have you been hit with the bullet of discouragement? When it seems like all hope is gone, turn your eyes unto the Lord where your help comes from. Are you still seeking after the Lord who is not slack concerning His promises to His own children? Never give up in the rapids and currents that are horrendous. There really is a calm just ahead that will bring about God’s dream and peace like you have never known. 
