Saturday, June 8, 2013

Gods Bucket List 4c “Promises”

Next Joseph faces a “Bullet of Deception.”  Potiphar’s wife placed her eyes on him and liked what she saw. She begged him to sleep with her. Determined to have her man, one day she grabbed Joseph’s coat to force him into her bed chambers. The best thing he could do in that situation was to run with his jacket left behind in her hands. Better to lose your jacket than to lose your virginity and reputation.

Later that day, Potiphar’s wife tells her husband that Joseph tried to seduce her. Potiphar placed Joseph in a dark prison cell for a crime that he did not commit.  Was it over? Was it time to give up on the dream? Joseph could have said; “Nothing seems to be going my way. Everywhere I turn is another test, another trouble, and another trial. Maybe this dream deal wasn’t really from God. Maybe I had too much pizza last night. Maybe I’m just going crazy after all?”

Thoughts can be deadly. Thoughts leads to our emotions, emotions lead to a decision, which leads to actions, actions become habits, and habits become character and ultimately our destiny. Genesis 39:1 says, “But the LORD was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love. And the LORD made Joseph a favorite with the prison warden.”(NLT).

What a powerful word in the Scriptures that shows us the love and faithfulness of God in our times of darkness. Never, never, never give up in your season of despair. ‘It would have been very easy for Joseph to say’, “I’ve had it; I’m finished, I’m through with this dream.” But look what he would have missed had he given up too soon. There came a day of deliverance for Joseph. God knew what He was doing after all. One day Pharaoh had a dream that troubled his heart. Someone informed him that there was a man in the prison house who knows how to interpret dreams.

What would have happen if Joseph had of given up in his times of stress and pressures of deception? Is God getting you ready for His next assignment? Are you the one God has chosen to make a difference with your spouse, parents, kids or a friend? Never underestimate the power of the enemy to derail you from the plan of God. Stay the course with God's Bucket List for your life. Nothing can compare with God's promises. They truly make your journey worth it all.
"Bucket List part 3"

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Now that was a word that I'd like to hold onto. God bless you.
