Sunday, December 15, 2013

Have Faith Regardless

If you were to ask Alabama’s Cade Foster how he was dealing with life after missing three field goals en route to a possible 2014 National Championship Game, he would probably have a lump in his throat, being in the “recovery” mode. On December 26, 2013 with one second left in the game, he was pulled out of the game; the backup freshman then missed a 57-yard field goal that was returned for an Auburn Tigers game–winning touchdown. Listen, there is nobody in life who always hits the mark!
The Bible is full of those who missed the mark, but somehow got up to see the sunshine another day. Some choose to live their life based on their mistakes, blunders, whims and mishaps. But Paul says, “We walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7) God doesn’t always give us the details of the next step after our failures. If He did, you and I wouldn’t need faith for this walk.  For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12).
What would Mary do when the angel Gabriel said to her, “You will have a Son and call His name Jesus?” She could have “freaked out” and run from God’s plan knowing that she was a virgin;  instead she listened to Gabriel say, “Fear not, the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you” (Luke 1:35).
God is the One who knows how to calm all of our uncertainties. He can quiet all our fears, doubts and suspicions. And yes, He can restore us when we’re in despair. Mary could have worried herself sick with thoughts of, “Everybody is going to think the worst of me and my integrity. Will Joseph believe me when I tell him what the angel of the Lord has said to me?” All of us know how easy it is to get worked up in our emotions when things don’t make sense or go as planned.
Somewhere, Mary and Joseph both had to say to themselves, “Regardless, we’re going to put all our FAITH and confidence in the Lord’s Process and Plan.” They had to say to God and to one another, “This event can’t happen by what we can SEE, FEEL or EXPLAIN” Yes, nine months later just like the angel said, Jesus, the Son of the Living God, came into this world through a virgin upon whom God had placed His favor. ‘What do you lean on in getting through your unbelievable events and steps in life? Will you make your decisions based solely on what you can See, Feel and Explain? Does God have a process that I will Trust?

It’s those who say, “I may not See it so clearly; I may not Feel the right vibes; and I cannot Explain my steps. But my FAITH SAYS, “REGARDLESS” I will walk by FAITH AND not by sight in His design and will for my life.

Have Faith Regardless - video message

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