Sunday, October 19, 2014

Momentum on God's Assembly Line?

When the Ford Model T was being built, a motor and rope pulled the chassis frame past workers and parts on the factory floor, cutting the man-hours required to complete one Model T from 12-1/2 hours to six. Within a year, further assembly line improvements reduced the time required to 93 man-minutes. The staggering increase in productivity affected by Ford's use of the moving assembly line allowed the company to drastically reduce the cost of the Model T. This accomplishment fulfilled Henry Ford’s dream of making the car affordable to ordinary consumers.

Does God have a dream for each of us? Each of us remembers the Momentum that began in our faith journeys with God. When you first came to Christ, do you remember your joy, confidence, enthusiasm, and excitement you experienced in your relationship with Him? As your development moves forward on God’s assembly line, you begin to experience tests, trials, setbacks and even hiccups that attempt to derail  you from the plan of God.

The way you deal with the hang-ups and setbacks of life will determine how well you come out on the other side. Instead of getting discouraged and resisting the issues that are thrown your way, be determined to let God, the designer, complete what He started. Many in Gods time-line have faced enormous pressures with their own momentum. What’s your attitude when stuff comes? David said; “It is good for me when I have been afflicted so I might learn thy statues.” (Ps 119:71) Paul said, “All things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) James said, “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.” (James 1:2) When you add it all up, God is working something out for your own development, and yes, productivity in your life.

Joshua’s leadership faced the challenge of crossing the Jordon River to take the people of God in to the Promise Land. Once he miraculously crossed over the Jordon, there would be TEN cities that he would conquer.  He probably wondered, God could there be another way, another route, another trajectory you could use to take us forward in the land? No, God ordained the path for Joshua’s development.

God could have used another means and another route, but God was more interested in developing courage and faith in Joshua’s heart. You will never be what God has intended you to be by choosing an easier path. When it came time for our church to build a new sanctuary. I said, “God, why didn’t you call somebody else to do this job, somebody more qualified?”  God wasn’t just interested in us building a new building; rather He was trying to BUILD ME. Each of us needs to quit telling God how to run His assembly line that He has planned for our lives. When I do, “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. “ (Eccl  7:8)

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