Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Divine Encounters For Your Path

Elevation worship recorded a powerful song a year ago, “Do It Again.” Can God bring us divine encounters in our day? Is He the same yesterday, today, and forever?

He showed up on the backside of a desert to Moses in a burning bush and said, “Take your shoes off, for you are standing on Holy Ground.” Joshua has crossed the Jordon River with Gods supernatural hand holding back the waters as they walked across on dry ground. Now they’re on the edge of the first city in Canaan, Jericho. How would they move ahead? Could they win against such a mighty city Jericho with walls wide enough to drive a chariot?

Just prior to going ahead, Joshua encounters a man who stands before him with a drawn sword and Joshua asks, “Art thou for us, or for our adversaries? And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come “Joshua 3:14

In Joshua's divine encounter we read, “And the captain of the LORD'S host said unto Joshua, “Take  your shoes off your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so
I believe this was the Lord himself who appeared to Joshua to tell him, this is not your battle but this one is mine. Too many times we forget we cannot do anything without His power and His touch. We desperately need the supernatural makings of His hand to go forward into His will and plan for our lives. Joshua would take Jericho because The Lord himself was leading the charge to take His people into His divine promises for their lives.

I don’t have the words to describe past encounters that I’ve had with the Lord instructing me about our steps in moving forward into His will and plan. But I do know that as He speaks, leads, and directs, He will crush every fear, doubt, feelings of inadequacy, disbelief, and build your faith, confidence and boldness to go in His promises with His powerful Hand that will rest on your life to see great miracles and do great exploits in His name.” Yes,” God still gives His people divine encounters today. Yes, He can do it again.

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