Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Let God “Show-off” for YOU (2)

David learned early in life, battles and struggles are part of life. FOCUS on the Prize and not the pain or the problems. A wide receiver once said, “I know when I catch the football, there is going to be some pain, but I need to catch the ball because there’s going to be pain whether I catch it or drop it.”
David was in what seemed an impossible battle in fighting the giant Goliath. What GIANT are you up against today? You may be saying, “How am I going to pay my taxes or raise my teenager whose in rebellion, or my spouse has walked out on our relationship, or I was just laid off from my job, or the doctor just gave me a bad report.”
David would face pain in dealing with Goliath. Yes, he won the battle but His brothers thought he had no business in facing a giant. King Saul became so jealous when he defeated Goliath and started a plan to kill David from that day forward, Pain, Problems, “YES.”

Let God Show-off for you today, He never said this life would be all smooth sailing, but He did say, “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.” He’s got a Plan and a Prize. Go ahead, get your hands on the ball because there will be some pain regardless. But in the end, you’ll cross the Winning line because He’s calling the plays and fighting for you every step of the way.

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