Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Is It Over?

Isaiah 38:2 Hezekiah turned away from Isaiah and, facing the wall, prayed to God:3 "God, please, I beg you: Remember how I've lived my life. I've lived faithfully in your presence, lived out of a heart that was totally yours. You've seen how I've lived, the good that I have done." And Hezekiah wept as he prayed-painful tears.

Is it over, are you at the point that you have said to others, it's to late, there is nothing else that I can do about my situation. Remember today that God is Omnipotent, He is all power, He is Omnipresent, He is everywhere all the time, He is Omniscient, He is all knowing. The God of wonders has a heart so big and awesome for you and I, we can't even begin to comprehend His greatness.

He is moved with our sorrow, our pain, our troubles, our feelings, our difficulties, our lost. Hezekiah had his back against the wall more than once, and he was very much aware that there was nothing to hard for his God.

He watched the hand of God show up when 185,000 Assyrians threaten to wipe Jerusalem off the map, but God had other plans. One angle came in an wiped the who bunch out.

Now God tells him to prepare his house, he is going to die. This man still had some fight left in him. He hears the prophet tell him to set everything in order; you're going to die. Hezekiah cries out to God, I have lived out a heart that was totally yours. He wept as he prayed painful tears.

Before Isaiah gets out of the court, God says to him. Go back to Hezekiah and tell him that I have heard your prayer and I have seen your tears. I will add 15 years to your life, and I will save both you and this city from the king of Assyria.

God is no respecter of persons. If he heard Hezekiah's prayer, God will hear you and I when we pray. How many things have we missed in going forward? How many times have we been too passive and not ask God what was in our hearts?

Jesus instructs us in Luke 11 when we pray to ask, to seek, to keep knocking. When a neighbor came to his friend late in the night for some bread, he knocked on the door and no one came. The man kept knocking, the word says he told him to go away; the kids and I are already in bed. Eventually the man got up out of bed and gave him bread, not because it was his friend. He got up and gave him his request because he kept knocking. All because of his importunity, all because of his persistence.

What do you need from the Lord? Have you given up, have you said that's it, it's over, there's no more hope for my marriage, there is no more hope for my health, there is no more hope for my kids. Jesus said, keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking. Hezekiah wept before God, and yes God changed His mind. What has gotten you so discouraged that you have quit praying?

Who knows what the Lord will do, if the people of God will ask, and seek, and knock at the throne room of heaven. One man did and God added 15 years to his life. Run to the Lord today and see what He will do for you. He's waiting for you.                                        Danny Baggett

1 comment:

  1. I haven't given up hope nor have I given up prayer,even in the light of this newest trial on top of the other trial.
    I'm praying for a miracle,within the next two weeks.
