Monday, October 24, 2011

Is There More (2)

2 Kings 2:9
A few days ago my niece was standing in line at 6 AM with her parents for the latest apple iphone. I might add 200,000 others sought out the newest technology on the market. If Steve Jobs can create something that wows the heart of a man, just what could the architect of the world create for you and I?

Something was stirring in the heart of a young prophet Elisha. What was it that he had seen in his mentor Elijah? There are a few things that I believe that he saw. First of all he saw a man that knew how to get through a drought

Elijah had gone down to the brook of Cherith where the Lord had directed him. "For there the Lord has commanded the ravens to feed you." I'm thankful that there is still a God that can get us through a drought.

Years ago while in college, my wife and I knew the struggles of getting through the tough places. Who could afford a nice meal in your college days? Believe me she learned how to stretch the dollars. We ate spaghetti on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday, well you get the picture. One day in her prayer time she calls out to God, "okay God we want this and on and on she prayed. A few weeks later we were invited over to Sister Whaley's home for a great meal.

After lunch this great woman of God says follow me into the garage. She opens her deep freezer and pops her brown paper bag and begins to load up pork chops and corn and okra and steaks and she says; "your not getting any chicken because God didn't tell me to give you chicken." What she didn't know was my wife had said in her prayers; "God I want steaks and pork-chops and fresh vegetables and I don't want any chicken."

Don't tell me that God can't get you through your own drought. May I add, He will also give you the desires of your heart. We are living in tough times. And God is no respecter of persons. If God can get Elijah through a famine, surely he can get you and I through a economic storm in our time.

Could it be like Elisha, that God well create a wave in your heart for more? There are times that God waits for his kids to come and to ask for his leading and his provision during the tough places of life. Have you prayed; "God show me personally your miraculous handiwork?"

If a genius like Steve Jobs can create something that wows our hearts and our hands, what can God create for us that will transform our hearts and lives forever?

Is there more? Elisha believed there was. What do you believe?

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