Saturday, October 22, 2011

Is There More? part one

2 Kings 2:9 Elijah said to Elisha, Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you. And Elisha said, I pray you, let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.

What was it that caused Elisha to say to Elijah; I want twice what you have?
Can you imagine Steve Jobs being content with a Blackberry, or a Motorola smart phone in his hand? It wouldn't seem right for him to settle for something less when he knows there is more to explore with his genius abilities.

Many of Gods saints have settled for less than God's best for their life. Something was stirring up in Elisha because he had seen something from his mentor Elijah that said; there must be more.

I heard about a man years- ago who got on a boat to go from London to New York. It was a seven-day journey years ago. All week he had eaten cheese and crackers because he couldn't afford to eat the great feast that they brought out for dinner each night. The last night of the voyage, he ask the captain what it would cost to sit and eat one of the fine meals provided by the ship?

The captain began to laugh, "sir what have you been eating all week?" He explained I couldn't afford the meals so I have been eating my cheese and crackers I brought along. "Sir when you purchased your ticket, the delightful food was provided." Can you imagine what the man had been missing all week long?

There are so many people in life that have settled for less than God's best for their life. When Christ went to the cross he purchased everything that we would have need of. It started with this great salvation that would cover us from all of our iniquities. That's only the beginning of what Christ paid for you and me to experience this great divine in life.

Elisha was one of those that said; "I want a double portion on my life." What have you said in your heart? Have you settled to eat on the cheese and crackers of life, and live with intimidation and fear of going forward into a divine future? 

Elisha soon found out that because his passion explored into God's divine connection, there was more.

Listen, If a man can explore in the natural and build an iphone, ipad, ipod, itouch, what has God preserved at his table for those that will come hungry and passionate for his will and plan for their lives?

Will discover in our next thoughts, really, what was it that caused Elisha to say; "I want more."  What have you settled for? 

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