Saturday, May 12, 2012

Me Lord?

1 Samuel 16:7b For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

I was the last guy on earth that ever thought He could use me to be a preacher of the gospel. Why would He choose me? Saul had just been rejected from serving as God's anointed King of Israel. He had disobeyed the Lord and chose to please the people rather than God.
God instructs Samuel to anoint another man to serve as king instead of Saul. God leads him to Jessie and tells him to bring his sons to sacrifice. Samuel looks at his first son Eliab who is tall and handsome, thinking surely he is the man. God says; "Man looks at the outward appearance but I look at the heart."

Samuel looks down the row at his other sons but God says; "Keep looking." Samuel ask; "Do you have another son?" Jessie replies; "Well I do have one that is out taking care of the sheep." Samuel says; "Go get him, were not moving forward until he arrives.

That day the prophet Samuel anointed a shepherd boy named David with the horn of the oil. Dad thought; he's just a shepherd boy but God saw a future king. Saul had the position as king of Israel but David had the anointing resting on him to be the new future king.

What's important in life today is not your present position but God's power of favor on your life to do His will. David didn't immediately take the position but he did instantly receive the power and favor of God in preparation for his future.

From that day on God's power came on him to rip apart a bear that came in to take one of his sheep. Next he would rip apart a lion that would attack one of his lambs. I believe David had some nice furry skins on his wall to prove that God's favor was upon his life. This victory wasn't the natural strength of David's hand to overcome these beast but rather the power of the most high God that was resting on his life.

Today you may be wandering and worrying about when is the future position or promotion coming? God tells us; "Promotions come not from the east or the west or the south, but from the north." Friend that means they come from the Lord. When God gets ready, He will bring the promotion and the power to fulfill the assignment that He has mandated for your life. "Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season you will reap if you faint not." (Galatians 6:9)

God already had a plan in place the day David was born of the house of Jessie. Even at the age of 17, David was ready and willing to take the assignment that God had ordained for his life. God looked down at his heart and said; "There's the one that I have chosen." Is your heart ready today to accept the assignment and the plan and promotion that He has prepared for your life?

God has a mandate for each of us if will prepare our hearts for His design and His destiny He has prepared and planned. Are you ready should He call you up today? To my surprise at the age of 16 He called me. I have never regretted it, just accepted it as the assignment for my life. There's nothing better than accepting His call and plan for your life.

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