Wednesday, May 30, 2012


2 Samuel 12:1-25 
At the time David should have been warring with the kings, he instead stays at home. Hell is always looking for a way to keep you off of the battlefield. Instead David falls into a temptation that causes him more grief and pain than any other battle he has ever faced.

David sees Bathsheba bathing, of course his flesh tempts him to look and then to take what does not belong to him. He sleeps with her and then she becomes pregnant.

He attempts to bring her husband home off the field for a night so he would go home and sleep with his wife. Uriah refuses to go home because he knows his peers are out on the battlefield and sleeping in their tents.

David asks why didn't you go home? He responds; "How could I do such a thing knowing how my brethren are fighting in the fields?" David ends up putting him on the frontlines of the heavy fighting so he would be killed.

One lustful steamy night turned into a chaotic dilemma for David's future. He has gone further than he could have ever imagined. His lust has caused him to steal a wife and to murder her husband. Sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you want to pay.

Had David just stayed in the battle, had he refused to check out from being where he should have been? David pays a great price for his sin but God is a God who will forgive and will give us another chance. Nathan says to David; "The sword will never leave your house." David paid a great price for his sin but God wasn't through with his future. 

Sin looks pretty for a Season but bites in the end. Stay the course and know that God is able to give us power to overcome and to live victoriously in life.

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