Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Expect A Fight !!

Nehemiah 4 :1-23

Hell isn't sitting in his rocking chair this morning, he's not sun bathing on a cruise liner, he's very busy working his schemes and plans to discourage and distract God's children from their assignment.
Until we cross over to our home in heaven, Satan will stay at it with his demons to steal, kill and destroy. Nehemiah was very proactive in his approach to stay on the wall. He was very alert that Sanballat was angry and would attempt to stop and hinder the work of God.

Before our armed services, the marines, the army, the navy, the air-force goes into battle, they are all very aware of the threats of the enemy. On their radar is a close eye, watching out for their sneaky attacks. They stand ready, prepared, alert, and sober, to successfully win over the opposition. They realize the power of working with one another.

Nehemiah instructed his men to keep not only their tools by their side but to keep a friend by their side to protect them. I am thankful for the body of Christ. God teaches us to encourage one another, pray for one another, edify one another, be a friend to one another, fellowship with one another, worship with one another.

27 different times in the New Testament, God talks about one another. A friend is born for a time of adversity. The bottom line is you won't keep standing on the wall and keep working without buying into the plan of God who says, "We need one another."

The walls got built because Nehemiah was expecting a fight and he knew the only way to get the job complete was to work with one another. One was protecting his friend while the other was building the wall.

I have a group of men and women who pray for me everyday. The only reason I can keep doing what I am doing is, I know there is a devil who would like to take me down, but I know the real way to win the battle, is through prayer partners.

It's not your gifts and talents thats going to keep you on the wall, but it's winning the battle from discouragement and distractions and deception that hell throws your way. You can't do it alone. "Two are better than one." Live out your call and assignment with the anticipation that your going to need a friend that will stand by your side when the battle comes. Do you have a prayer partner? Do you have a friend that is standing with you? If not become one for someone else. Guys there's another brother than needs your prayers, sister there's another sister that needs your support.

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