Monday, August 20, 2012

They Have Refreshed Me !!

1 Corinthians 16:1-24
There are some sounds in this life that make you cringe. Like one who scrapes their nails across a chalkboard, or the sound of silverware across their plate, just the thought of that sound makes me cringe.
Paul had experienced many episodes of pain and sorrow with many setbacks and disappointments in ministry, but he makes mention in his book to the Corinthians how delighted I am to have Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus here. "They've refreshed me."

How many people do you have in your life that is refreshing to your faith? They have a way of building you up. Some people's words are like an elevator; their words either take you up or take you down. Why don't you take a moment in prayer and evaluate the kind of words that you use towards your spouse, your kids, your co-workers, and your neighbors? An honest assessment could turn your whole world around. God says; "He that will see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil. (1 Peter 3:10)

Proverbs 18:21 There is death and life in the power of the tongue. Does your words bring encouragement? Do your words bring inspiration for a friend to keep pressing towards their dreams and ambitions in life? Or does your words make people cringe? Does your words lift people up or do they take people down?

Walt Disney was fired because he was told that he lacked creativity. What would have happen to him had he believed in such words? There may have never been the enjoyment of 11 Disney theme parks around the world. I want to encourage you to be a refresher to those your around, and to surround yourself with those who believe in you and inspire you towards your dream.

If you're concerned about living in some crazy bubble, believe me there are enough negative people in the world to challenge your faith. There will always be those like Job's friends. They had nothing good to say to him in his worst nightmare. Even still God can give you grace to tunnel through those kinds of people.

Don't get bitter with these kinds of people, knowing that you have to learn to shake off their words. I heard a story about a farmer whose donkey fell into a well. The farmer and a friend worked all day to pull him out and save his life. With no success he decided to put him out of his misery and bury him in the well. As he began to throw dirt on top of this creature, each time the dirt hit his back; the donkey stepped up and shook it off till finally he walked right out of that well.

In life there will be plenty of those people who will come and criticize and throw words of grief and sorrow and pain your way. Each time choose to step up and shake off those words. Be very thankful for those that God places in your life that will Refresh you in your faith, in your call, in the assignment that God has given you. Why not be a friend and a Refresher to someone today who needs a lift, who needs encouragement. Push the button with your words that causes people to rise and go up? You'll never regret being a refresher.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for encouraging me to be a refresher. May I always keep at the forefront of my mind that life and death is in the power of my tongue and the sticks and stones song is bull dookey. Words do actually hurt and can pierce deeper than a physical hurt. God bless you!
