Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Get Up !!

John Maxwell says, "When you fall down, get up and pick up something while you're down there." There is no one righteous, not even one. (Romans 3:10) No one has a perfect record except for Christ who came to die for all of our sins.
All of the great heroes in the bible had imperfections. Abraham got inpatient and took Hagar to bring his first son. Moses killed an Egyptian soldier and had to run for his life. David took Bathsheba and had her husband Uriah killed.

When a man falls, God says; turn and run to him and ask for His mercy and forgiveness. Don't sit in your guilt, don't stay away from the one who is ready to cleanse and forgive you of your mistake and failure.

Confess your sin and he is willing to cleanse and forgive us of all our unrighteousness. What if David had of not been honest before God? Nathan came to him and said, "David your the man with the sin." David said; "Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me."

God not only forgave David of his wicked sins but later said of David; "He is a man after my own heart. " God remembers that we are but dust.

Quit beating yourself up and allow his love and mercy and grace give you another chance. Abraham was ninety years old when God said to him, "Walk before me and be thou perfect." God was not finished with what He had started in him and Sarah. God went on to tell him, "You will have a son through Sarah." Keep in mind that she wasn't young either. God says that His mercies are fresh and new each and every morning."

Most people's issues are not that God won't forgive them, but rather they won't forgive themselves. Moses was tending to his sheep on the back side of a desert, but God shows up with a fire in a bush, and says; "Take your shoes off Moses, your standing on holy ground. Go to Pharaoh and tell him to let my people go." God doesn't write you off just because you have made some mistakes. Get up, in the name of Jesus and finish the assignment for your life. Moses did and 3 million Jews were delivered out of Egypt.

The next time the devil stirs up your old past, remind the devil that your sins have been buried in the sea of forgetfulness, never to be remembered again.
"It's better to wrestle with your struggle than to wrestle with the regret that you quit. Get up, even if the righteous falls seven times, he will rise and get up again.

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