Thursday, September 27, 2012

Is It The Real Thing?

Have you ever handed cash at a check out register and they pulled out a brown marker to see if it was real or counterfeit? You may have questioned if a diamond ring was fake or real? You can put it under the x-ray machine or you can even blow fog into the diamond to see if it's real or not. If the fog stays two seconds it's a fake.
Coke wrote a jingle back in the 80's, "Ain't nothing like the real thing baby." All of God's 10 commandments are wrapped up in two commandments. Thou shalt love the Lord they God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. The second is to love thy neighbor as thyself.

In September 11th crisis, many of our churches filled up in America. We had more people respond in the altar call for salvation than any other time. Most people say I love you God, but then when their crisis is over, they fall back to their old ways.

Is your love for God real? Do you have the real deal? 3 Hebrew men in Daniel chapter 3 were confronted with the greatest test of their life. King Nebuchadnezzar stated in his dedication ceremony, "Whosoever doesn't bow at my image will burn." These 3 men said, "King were not bowing to your god. Our God is able to deliver us, but even if He doesn't we will not bow."

The king had his men turn up the fire seven times hotter, and then they were thrown in the fiery furnace. The fire was so hot that the king's men died in their duty. As the king looked down with his pomp and power and punishment, he notices there are not 3 but 4 men in the fire.

That day he found out that someone came to their rescue. The Son of God came and protected them from the king's demise. Not even one hair was singe neither was there the smell of smoke on their garments.

It's encouraging to know that God will get in the fire with you and I. God can turn up the fire of boldness in you that is greater than your ordeal, greater than your pressure at work, in your home life, in your everyday world. You will also come to realize that you have real thing as you refuse to bow down to the gods of this world. Anybody can stand up for God when things are going well, but what if the fire gets seven times hotter?

Do you have the real thing? The next test you face will either make you bolder in your faith or cause you to stand down. Stand up friend, God is with you and is for you, and if God be for you who can be against you? Choose to be the light of the world in these later days.

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