Sunday, December 2, 2012

Drifting From God’s Whispers?

When we first moved to Florida, my dad taught me to be cautious in swimming in the ocean. He said, "Avoid drifting into an undertow." His words of instruction are what saved me one day to successfully swim out of those strong currents. Drifting from God's whispers can be a threat to your journey and success in Him. Jesus said to His followers, "My sheep hear My voice." John 10:27

I wouldn't be saved today without hearing God's whispers. I am saved today because I heard the whispers of God's love for me. "For by grace are you saved through faith and not of yourselves" "Behold I stand at the door and knock."

I wouldn't be in ministry today without hearing God's call. There is no way that I could stand up to the pressures and stress without His call and whispers of encouragement

I wouldn't be married to my pretty little wife today without the whispers of God. I can't take the credit for God's smile on bringing her to me. She is an awesome blessing to me and our children

I wouldn't be in Jacksonville Floridatoday without the whispers of God. As a sophomore in college, He spoke to my heart, "One day you will go to Jacksonville Florida to pastor a church. I cannot take the credit for where I am today.

I wouldn't succeed under His protection without those dear whispers from God. Driving home from church one night on a two-lane road, I heard this small whisper, "Slow down." My wife asked me, "Why are you slowing down?" I heard that whisper again, "Slow down." That whisper got louder and louder till I got down to about 30 miles per hour. When I came over the hill on that dark 540A, there stood a big black cow in the center of the highway. God has taught me, "Listen to that still small voice.” It paid off that night and saved our lives without any harm.

I wouldn't live with His peace without His whispers in my spirit. We all deal with so much anxiety and stress and pressures in life. Life is to short to live without His peace that passeth all understanding. He is able to keep our heart and minds on Him.

I would't live with His power without His whispers. There is power in His word, His voice that says, "I'm with you."

When God whispers and speaks, Listen. He has something to say to you that will give you success for the journey. Without it, you will live in fear, worry and much anxiety. His voice, His whispers are what will bring you peace and purpose and success in the journey. Jesus spent much time listening to the whispers of the Father. His success came from taking the time to listen. Miracles, blessings, breakthroughs, healings, salvations, directions all come by the whispers of God.

1 comment:

  1. Amen!!
    Praise God for your obedience and ear that hears.
