Saturday, December 22, 2012

Hope or Checkmate?

Matthew 2:13  When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.                         

Can you imagine the celebration that Mary and Joseph experienced when the God dream of Christ's birth came to pass? Wise men from the east came to bow down to worship Him.  Shepherds in the fields became part of this celebration. King Herod told the wise men; "Tell me where He is so I may also come and worship Him."

Mary and Joseph were still dealing with the incredible chaos and pain from the ugly chatter and gossip about their apparent misbehavior before marriage. Again, Joseph was warned by God to take the child down to Egypt. "Herod will seek to destroy the child."

When you play the game of chess, you play until the King has no more moves. When you checkmate your opponent's King, the game is over. Would Joseph and Mary have one more move? Would Herod trap them and kill the Child?

Herod thought he had fooled the wise men. "I've got the Christ now." He wasn't interested in worshipping Him but was at war to kill the Child. Friend, take heart from this story. God always has one more move! Just when it looks like it's over, smile, for God hasn't finished His plan and power to fulfill His promises.

Joseph was still listening to God and quickly obeyed a move to travel into Egypt. Have you been backed into a corner? Are you in a place where it looks like there are no more moves? Does it appear that regardless of where you turn, there is seemingly no hope? Does Satan have a checkmate move on you?

A word in this Christmas season, "God always has one more move." Satan will never checkmate God. You are His child. All you need to do is look up to God like Joseph; He has one more move for you in the night.

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