Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Joy? 2

It’s amazing how many voices you and I have to process in a given day. The other day I was picking up some things left from my daughter’s wedding on the other side of town that was in an unfamiliar place. I plugged in the location in my GPS and headed out. On the way my wife called and said, “Please leave an extra tip for one of the girls who did an outstanding job.” I responded, “I’ll be glad to but I’ll have to find my bank and get some cash.” So now I not only have my Google maps GPS talking to me, I have NOW turned on my Apple map to find my bank in route to the other side of town. So now I have 3 voices talking to me at the same time. I got a pretty good laugh out of it and did finally find the place to get some cash and reached my destination.
Each of us has to deal with voices that we process day by day. How you process those voices in your head can be frustrating, aggravating and even nerve wracking. How do you deal with the Voices from your spouse, kids, workplace, iTunes, media, news, enemies, and people that are annoyed with you getting in their way? The way you process these issues can affect you keeping your JOY. I have learned what can BUILD up and PROTECT your Joy
Allow the VOICE of HIS WORD, to be what guides your trajectory each day.  God has prepared a table to lead and encourage your path.
Allow His VOICE in Prayer to calm your nerves and your frustrations. One word from God in prayer can bring peace that nothing else in life can.
Allow TIME SPENT in the HOUSE OF GOD, to renew, restore, and rejuvenate your spirit. Gods words instruct us NOT to forsake the time we get together in the house of God so much more as you see the day approaching of His return. (Hebrews 10:25)
Allow the HOLY SPIRIT, to help you with all your decisions. He promises that HE will guide and lead us into all truth. One bad decision can be costly in your marriage, job, or your dream.
Did you know people with joy can add years to their life? In recent studies it’s proven that people with joy add years to their life. No wonder God’s Word says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”( Proverbs 17:22)

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