Saturday, August 16, 2014

Joy? 5

Canadian Geese have learned to flock together in their journey south and north. The lead bird is there to reduce the air drag on the birds behind them. It’s been proven that it lifts the load of the flock some 73%. That’s a smart set of geese who learn to fly with one another. Could this also be true about investing in friendships? Who needs a friend? Have you taken the time to be a friend to someone?

God’s word is clear; each of us needs one another! When God created the sun, moon, stars, heavens, animals, sea, vegetation and man from the dust of the earth, He said, “It is good!” But when God saw that man was all alone, for the first time He said, “It is not good.”

Why would it be any different today?  Does God still declare that it’s not good for man to be alone? “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” Eccl 4: 9, 10

The book of Acts vividly describes the early church. As the church grew, people began to meet from house to house. This gave opportunity for the body of Christ to share, love, support, and to encourage one another. Church is not supposed to be a place to just take in and strengthen your own journey; but it should be place where you invest and encourage others in the faith journey.

Dealing with different personalities can present challenge. David dealt with the personality and jealousy of King Saul. He actually attempted to kill David 21 times. David would either fall apart or look to his God who’s greater than all the threats of Hell.

Sooner or later you will deal with “High Maintenance People”

1. “The Critic”, always complaining; the “needles” in the balloon factory
2. “The Martyr” who always plays the victim
3. “The Pessimist”; when they smell the flowers, they look for the coffin
4. “The Steamroller” is blindly insensitive to others
5. “The Gossip” loves to spread rumors and leak secrets

                   “Don’t expect Friendships to just Happen!”

You must be: Friendly to have friends.
You must be: Giving, not just taking.
You must be: Forgiving, regardless of your hurt and pain from someone.
You must be: Willing to take a Risk, knowing some will burn you!
You must be: Able to work at building relationships.

During a horrendous storm a goose may get separated from the flock. There is VALUE in being a friend to one that’s become discombobulated in life. If you've become disoriented, lay aside pride and accept a Jonathan that God will put in your path. “God has a friend for EVERYBODY.” Today, be a friend to someone God puts in your path; give away your love, encouragement and support. 

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