Sunday, February 15, 2015

Moses Jumped Back!

God told Moses after 40 years on the backside of a desert to go to King Pharaoh of Egypt and tell him; “Let my people go.” Israel had been in bondage for 430 years. He gets Moses attention with a burning bush and then tells him, “Take your shoes off, you’re standing on Holy Ground.” God goes on to ask him, “What’s in your hand? Throw it on the ground.” When Moses obeys, the rod turns into a serpent. Moses Jumps Back from the serpent! (Ex 4:3) I probably would have done the same since I hate snakes! Have you ever jumped back from what God wanted you to do with your life? God tells Moses, “Pick up the serpent by the tail and I will show to King Pharaoh my miraculous power.” As Moses obeyed, the serpent became a rod again.
Is there something in your hand that God wants to use? Could God use that something in your hand to become a miracle for somebody’s deliverance? In Moses’ obedience, God would reveal his glorious power by using what was in his hand. What about what’s in your hand?
Moses would go stand before Pharaoh with his rod. When it was thrown down, like God said, it was turned into a serpent. Most of us know the devil doesn’t go down without a fight. Pharaoh would not be outdone, so he calls his wise men and magician’s, who also did the same. They threw down their rods, and they also became serpents.
Did you know God always has the Final Say! Sure enough, when the wise men’s rods became serpents, Moses rods, which became serpents, SWALLOWED UP the wise men serpents. What if Moses would have jumped back so far that he missed the OPPORTUNITY to see the miraculous signs that would eventually lead up to the deliverance of Israel from being enslaved in Egypt? He obeyed God and 2 million plus were delivered out of Egypt.
Friend, will you take what God has put in your hand to bring about the miraculous in somebody’s life? One of the ways you can do that is by giving of your resources to help missionaries in India, Honduras, Haiti, Guatemala, China, Peru, and many other places in the world. Take what’s in your hand and throw it down and allow God to turn what’s in your hand to reaching and bringing deliverance to a lost and dying world. Maybe it’s going on a mission’s trip, building a church, sharing the Gospel to a group of kids in a school in China. What’s in your hand that you could use to bring deliverance to those who are blind in sin? “Satan, the god of this world hath blinded them that believe not.”(2 Cor 4:4) What will you do, Jump in or Jump Back?

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