Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Proverbs 9 Living Life With Speculation or Revelation?

Does it really matter which table I sit at each day?  I’m not a health expert, but I do know that eating certain ways and certain foods can affect my weight, moods, and longevity in life. As much as I love Krispy Kreme donuts, eating a half a dozen donuts for breakfast each morning isn’t a good plan or idea.

It’s the same when it comes to gaining wisdom and insight for our lives. God’s wisdom can add YEARS to your life. One of my favorite recent quotes is, “Do what is right today and you won’t spend tomorrow fixing yesterday’s mistakes.” Much of our wisdom comes from making bad decisions, but there is a better way to learn and grow.

God invites us to sit at His table, and to do things His way instead of leaning to our own understanding and stinkin thinkin! You’re inviting trouble, grief and a lot of heartache when you ignore His “Table of Wisdom.” There is a better way to learn than just making more and more mistakes.

One of the issues we all deal with is; “The lust of the flesh.” It cries out for us to sit at its table. That table will only lead us into a deep, dark hole of deception that ultimately leaves us empty, dull, void and unsatisfied. There is a better table; “God’s Table that brings joy, life, peace and a long life. Even when you face setbacks and difficulties, there’s great peace when you’re following God’s plan and path. He is the way, the truth and the life. He invites each of us to sit with Him today.

  • 1-6     God Invites Us To His Table Of Wisdom 
  • 7-8     The Dangers In Correcting A Mocker 
  • 8b-9    Benefits In Rebuking A Righteous Man 
  • 10       Benefits In Fearing The Lord 
  • 11-12   God’s Wisdom Adds Years To Your Life 
  • 13-18  The World Invites You To Sit At Her Table Of Deception

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