Saturday, August 27, 2016

What Keeps "Blowing Up" In You Face?

On March 31st at 4:30 PM a young 17-year-old high school student in Richmond, Texas was killed by an airbag in her 2002 Honda Civic. What was “suppose to protect her killed her.”  This case is the 10th fatality tied to the defective Takata airbag inflators. Someone poorly designed the airbag with metal inside it. The design was flawed and horribly engineered.

Satan crafted SIN with the effects of guilt to explode and blow up in your memory bank to destroy your future.  But Christ the creator of the heavens and the earth came with His Love and Mercy to take the metal of sin and guilt away. Christ came so we might be Forgiven and Free.  It doesn’t get any better than that, “Being Forgiven and Free.”

How can one keep their past mistakes from blowing up in their face day after day? Can one really be forgiven and also forgive themselves? Without the power of Jesus Christ, the Cross-and the Resurrection, we’re all miserably lost in our sins. But Satan has placed metal in the airbag to defeat and destroy our peace and our mind. He looks for ways… to remind us of our past blunders and mistakes.

You must first believe that Christ went to the cross to forgive you of all of your sins. He didn’t bleed and die for just a “few” of your mistakes, but for “ALL” of your blunders and mistakes. Murder, lying, cheating, stealing, adultery, covetousness, and pride. Friend all of your worst grossest iniquities can be forgiven through the blood of Jesus.

The thief that hung next to Jesus on the cross was about to take his last breath and die, but he asks Jesus, “Would you remember me when you come into your Kingdom?” Jesus said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” In that nano second. he was forgiven.

Jesus paid it all as he hung and died for our sins. What can wash away sins, NOTHING but the blood of Jesus? He became the supreme sacrifice, the spotless and perfect lamb that would pay for every sin that we have ever committed.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus came to this earth with a mission. Through a virgin Mary, He would sacrifice His life and die on a wooden cross so that we might be forgiven and be free from all of our guilt and sin. Just to prove that He has the power to forgive men of their sins, three days later, on Sunday Morning he arose and came up out of the grave. Friend He is “ALIVE” and well and wants us to be “ALIVE” and well too, with His Peace and Joy in you.

Some 20 million-car owners have the Takata airbag, but many customers have NEVER been notified. The Hanif’s who lost their 17- year old daughter claim they were never notified with any notice of a recall or a solution. Friend, Christ came to “NOTIFY YOU” today, there is Healing, Mercy and Forgiveness of all of our past in The Name of Jesus.

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