Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Speak Life To Your Next Step (2)

Are you content to live in the least part of His will for your life? What happened to Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh? (Numbers 32) The 2 ½ tribes of Israel chose to settle on the east bank of the Jordan river instead of going WEST across the Jordon into the Promised Land. Moses finally did say to them, “If you will go fight along with your brothers, to take the Promise land, God will still bless you.”
There’s something within every born-again believer’s DNA that wants “ALL of His Will” for their life. Why did they not want to go WEST across the Jordon River? Why would they settle in the EAST, the least of Gods best for their lives?

They were attracted to what they saw on the east of the Jordon before they went across the Jordon. That’s where the 10 spies went wrong; they saw the giants and said, “We are but grasshoppers in their sight.” Paul says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

When my wife and I came to Jacksonville 32 years ago, we first saw a 45-year-old dilapidated building falling apart and our flesh said, “Really, this is bad, why would anybody want to come here?”

But deep down in our spirit, we knew we were supposed to come to Jacksonville, Florida. It would have been easy to settle for something less with comfort, a good paycheck, and ease. But God wanted to train us for ministry with some tough-places where He would stretch our faith. Yes, where we would learn to appreciate our wins and losses in the journey.
In the beginning, rats and mice running through my feet while preaching one Sunday night, something within me said, we will press through this and WIN.

Chose today to never give in to less than Gods Best for your life. God is bigger than any doubt, devil or discouraging season in your life. Press on WEST to Gods BEST for your life. You will be glad you did.

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