Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hell Will Attack Your Worship

Ezra 4:1-24
There was great zeal and excitement when the people of God was released from Babylon to go back to rebuild the temple that had been destroyed by
King Nebacunezzer .
The people of God had turned their hearts to other gods and other things. This is what brought on their destruction and brought down Jerusalem . The enemy came in and stole the gold, the silver and the elements that were in the temple. What a sad day to see the people of God taken off into slavery.

70 years of captivity until a new day came when they were release to go back to Jersalem. Nearly 50,000 traveled back under King Cyrus authority to go back and rebuild the temple of God. The people of God walked back over 800 to 900 miles of mountains and traverse travel back to Jerusalem. Some were not up for the trip with its dangers, but many made the trip with faith in their hearts to do the work that was in their heart.

When the people started the work on the temple, they worked approximatley 2 years on the temple's foundation. When the neighboring nations saw what was going on they got nervous and tried to hinder them with fear and intimadating words. They went as far as to write letters to King Artaxerxes that these people have done nothing but cause heatache and trouble for the surrounding nations. Once he recieved the letter, he became concerned himself and sent letter to Jerusalem for the work on the temple to stop.

For the next 15 years the people of God stopped the work on the temple because of the king's threat. Fear and intimadation paralyzed their actions to move forward. They left their work on the temple and began to focus on their homes and their business. God had given them direct orders to go back and rebuild the temple first. 4-5 So these people started beating down the morale of the people of Judah, harassing them as they built. They even hired propagandists to sap their resolve. They kept this up for about fifteen years, throughout the lifetime of Cyrus king of Persia and on into the reign of Darius king of Persia. (The Message)

Everything in Jerusalem was to center around the temple, their place of worship. That was to be the center of their focus and their world. If hell can stop your worship and your focus on your God, he has won the victory. Satan doesn't care how he accomplishes his demise, he will use any threat, any distraction, any intimdation to stop your center of worship being on the God who made you and saved you.

For the next 15 years the plans of God were deverted and detoured away from their focus on God. What could be so wrong with getting submersed in your job or your own world?

Will later discusss how God brought a prophet named Haggai along to get them back on track.

Ask yourself today, is there anything that has come along that has diverted my attention and my worship to the Lord Jesus Christ. Have I allowed my spouse, my job, my family, my hobbies, my ambitions for success to distract me from my worship to my heavenly father. 

Matthew 6:33 says "Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteouness and then He shall add these other things." Evaluate your own plans, your own actions, your own walk with the Lord, Is the Lord first, or has hell distracted you away from your worship to your Lord and Savior? Hell attacked then, and he will do it in our day, in our world.

Be an overcomer today in your worship and your focus on the Lord who has changed your life for eternity. There is nothing better than He being 1st and the center of your world.                                                                             Danny Baggett

1 comment:

  1. The devil did his best to stop me from going to church Sunday,I felt like I had hit a brick wall and I didn't want to go to church,but it didn't work,I was at church.
    The devil is such a loser.
