Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Keep Your Seat Belt On

More than two thirds of young drivers and passengers killed in nighttime car crashes aren't wearing seat belts.

When life throws you a curve, it can knock the wind out of your confidence. If your not buckled in with faith, it can throw you out from behind the steering wheel.

Paul is right where God has allowed him to be. He is at the wheel writing to the church of Philippi from a prison cell. He could have been upset with the Lord, why have you allowed this curve, this bend in the road, this episode to happen in my life? Paul says; "Be confident of this very thing, he which hath begun a good work in you shall perform it."6

Most of the New Testament is written because God allowed Paul to be placed in a prison cell. Many of us spend so much time questioning, doubting God's motives and plans for our lives. God says; "as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways." Keep your seat belt on when God's trajectory seems to take you another way.

Satan is always looking for a way to eject you out of your seat of confidence. He doesn't want you at the wheel with joy and courage, and faith, and confidence that God is at work in your life. He wants us sad and mad and depressed and discouraged over our questions and doubting our Lord and master.

Paul says, be confident. Where is your confidence today? Is it in your calm, your staying cool, your being comfortable in life? Well, what if life turns up-side down on you? Has God been caught off guard? "Oh, I didn't see that one coming." No No No, Nothing catches God by surprise. You can tell in this book there is no anger at God, Paul realized that God has just set him up for something good, something that will bring success in spreading encouragement, and edification for the body of believers that are in need of stability in their faith.

You attitude, your staying behind the wheel is so critical to your development and destiny for life. Some things may not make sense at the moment. God has the big picture in mind for you. He sees that your experience at the wheel will serve as a testimony to others.

Smile today, God's trajectory has everything in control. Just trust him, be confident that God knows where you are and He will complete what He has begun in your life. Eccl 7:8" Better is the end than the beginning."                                                                              Danny Baggett

1 comment:

  1. I feel like where I am in my walk with God and the way things are right now,I have days and God knows it I have questions and tears,but I still go to the altar and pray and cry,but I am not letting go I've come to far in my walk to let go.
    I feel something like this post had something to say to me,so thank you for some encouragement today.
