Friday, September 2, 2011

Waiting in your Season

Seasons can be beautiful, it's all in our perspective. I'm thankful that God made the seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter.

It's a different deal when were not enjoying the season. Many up in the north, where it's very cold, they can experience long winters of snow and ice. Several choose to escape down to the south for warmer weather.

It's not that easy when our spiritual life goes through the tough seasons. Many of us would also like to escape the cold places of winter in our journey with God.

This can be very confusing and discouraging. Many have gotten disoriented in their winter season of their walk with God.

Abraham and Sarah was walking in one of those seasons of waiting on God for the promise that was spoken. God tells him in Genesis 12  "I will bless you and make of you a great nation." The only issue was after many seasons and years had gone by, Sarah was barren and had not produce a son.

So in her discouragement, she helps the Lord out and tells her husband take Hagar, she will give you the promise son.

Abraham hearken to the voice of Sarah, and she gave him a son name Ishmael. There's only one problem, this was a son born by the flesh of impatience, not the son that was born by the dream that God had promise Abraham.

All of us have the potential of getting impatient with God and producing  our own Ishmael's. It could be that we refuse to wait in our winter season for that person that God has created for our marriage, or our ministry, or the promotion at work, or the break-through in our difficult  circumstance.

May I encourage you to wait on your Isaac. God speaks to Abraham again in Gen 17. He tells him "walk before him and be thou perfect." Abraham had  gotten ahead of God and rushed forward in his winter season.

Be cautious friend, there is an Isaac, if you will just be patient in your season. How many Isaac's have we missed because we have forgotten. "To everything there is a season, and a purpose under the heaven."                                   

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