Friday, November 11, 2011

What Are You Pouring Out On Jesus?

John 12:1-8
Mary came in the house with a jar of very expensive aromatic oils, anointed the feet of Jesus. She then wiped them with her hair. The fragrance of the oils filled the house.

What are you bringing in the house? As a pastor, I love to see people bring in the house of worship their praise and adoration to the Lord. I love to see people who are hungry to hear the living word of God, then charged up to share their faith to a lost and hurting world.

I love to see broken hearts healed and delivered and set free. I love to see warriors come in with their faith, ready to fight off the devil's discouragement. Many have been in the fire through the week, but have chosen to serve the devil notice, " I will not quit, I will not relent, I know in whom I have believed in and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto him."

I love to see those who come in with an attitude that "if God be for me, who can be against me." I love to see those come in that are ready to serve the master. Many come in ready to pour the oil out and are ready to serve by caring for the kids, encouraging the middle school youth, some are at the doors with a smile greeting whosoever might walk in, some ready to lift up their voice with beautiful melody's to heaven's courts.

But then there are some that wake up on the wrong side of the bed. They have awakened with something else driving their mind. Just a few wake up upset, agitated, aggravated, nervous, and frustrated. They won't even speak nice to their dog. What's got you so upset, that hell has got your dandruff up?

Keep in mind that Mary came in the house with expensive oil. She was ready to bring Jesus something of value, something that would bless him, something that would make a difference for his mission on the cross. The word says she brought something that would be remembered for all of eternity.

Now we all know it's very easy to come through the doors of you're church with some other things. Some choose to go to the churches with their complaints, "preacher I don't like this and I don't like that. David said I will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter his courts with praise, I will say this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice for He has made me glad.

Mary's heart was on the Lord. It would have been easy for her heart to be on other things, but she chose to be saturated with a love for the master. I wonder what would happen if we all got dipped, flooded beyond our ankles in love with God. Now I'm not saying you can't ever speak your concerns to the leadership, but come on, is it going to make a difference where people spend eternity? Is your gripe going to hinder or who promote the building up of the kingdom of God?

I just happen to believe that when you get baptized in his love, you will come to the house with something that brings the master glory and honor. What Mary brought to Jesus was honor into the mission and mandate from the heavenly father.

There are more important things to dwell on than our opinions and our likes and dislikes. When Mary got through anointing Jesus, there was a fragrance that filled the house. When we leave the house, what have we poured on Jesus? What fragrance have we left because of our love for the master?

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