Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Considering A Daniel's Fast?

Daniel and others were chosen by king Nebuchadnezzar's to be apart of his leadership team. Something in Daniel said; "Were going to chose not to eat the king's meat, will eat nothing but veggies and fruit."

What could have gotten in Daniel to go on this particular diet? What was in his heart to think that this was a need and a dire necessity? He knew that God's hand was up to something unique and special in the coming days.

I believe that Daniel knew that they were up for challenges far beyond their own wisdom, and their own strengths, their own power. Daniel was right on target with his intuition and being spirit driven and spirit led.

The King would be asking them to do things far beyond man's natural wisdom. In Daniel's chapters ahead, you and I will read why it was critical for he and his friends to go on this fast.

In life, you and I are going to face challenges far beyond our natural abilities. I have learned that when the stress and pressure is on, a fast will give us the edge, the supernatural that goes beyond what we are able to do in the natural.

Have you come to a place in your marriage, your work, your business, and your ministry that you need the edge, far beyond your own natural abilities? Jesus taught his disciples to do three things. He said; "when you pray, when you give, and when you fast." Notice that he didn't say; "if you pray or if you give or if you fast, but rather when you fast."

Many of us have had times in our lives when we just didn't have the answer, we didn't know where to turn next, and we just didn't have the ump to keep going.

At the end of the 10 day test, the king's steward took note that the complexion of Daniel and his men were better than the other's. These guys were more robust than the ones eating from the royal menu.

God will do some things far beyond your own talents and abilities when you choose to take God at his word. God will lead and direct each of us when it's time to start a fast. It may the knowledge of a coming battle or today's struggle that will lead you into starting a new fast.

The word of God will prove that in every difficult dilemma you face, fasting will give you the edge and will catapult you over your own impossible situation?

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