Saturday, February 18, 2012

Do You Need New Lens?

Mark 1:1-45
Have you ever been to the eye doctor for a new set of lens? Are you in need of an eye examination? Jesus ministry was just beginning while John the Baptist ministry was coming to a head. John was just completing his last assignment while Jesus was fulfilling his first move into ministry.

As Jesus was being baptized by John the Baptist, the word declares in verse 10, "the heavens opened up over the Lord, the Spirit descended on him and a voice out of heaven said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."

Immediately the Spirit led Christ into the wilderness for 40 days enduring temptations from Satan. It's cold in the night and scorching temperatures in the day. Hell plans to destroy Christ before the Father ever launched His son into ministry.

Jesus not only pressed through the temptations from Satan, but also would soon learn that his cousin John the Baptist would be taken by Herod placed in prison and would be beheaded.

How would Jesus press through the lost of his cousin John the Baptist? Were not Elizabeth and Mary pregnant the same time, and were not their baby boys born months apart? How would the Lord get focused on his mandate with the loss of John, one whom there was a dear bond?

Something awesome took place at Jesus baptism. God's Spirit came upon him and said "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased,"The heavenly Father knew what His Son needed to forged ahead with the issues that were at hand.

Too many things in life will attempt to latch onto your spirit in moving forward with God's assignment. God has the power to give you a new set of lens. He wants us to see what He sees in order to press through ever hurt and pain and sorrow in life. There have been times in my life that things have tried to weigh me down in going forward.

What's holding you back today in moving forward with the will of God? Has something wrecked your emotions in fulfilling your assignment? Pain with a divorce, a runaway child, the loss of your employment, a hick-up or a hurt in your ministry, a bad lab report?

Shake it off, today God still opens the heavens, he still sends His spirit and He still says, "This is my beloved child in whom I am well pleased." It was those words from the Father that would catapult the Lord through the wilderness and through the loss of His cousin John the Baptist.

What would have happen to the thousands of lives who would have missed their miracle, their transformation had the Lord not placed on a new set of lens for the future. It's amazing what a new set of lens can do in moving forward into His will and plan. Go ahead; let him reset your lens today for your future.                                                    

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