Monday, February 13, 2012

A Fallen Tragedy

Adam and Eve had everything going for them until they broke the boundaries that God had spelled out for them. Everything went downhill when they chose to eat of the forbidden fruit from the tree of life.

Next we see Adam and Eve hiding from God. Why would they be hiding from God, the one who had created them, and the one who has blessed them?

Fear grips their hearts as God begins to speak to them. God ask; "Where are you?" Adams response was; "I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked." Why would Adam have a reason to be fearful? Why would he be afraid?

This is the first conversation with God since their disobedience in eating the fruit from the tree of life. Choosing your own agenda spells heartache and grief in life. Choosing your own road your own path will cause you to live without peace and fellowship with God.

Adam and Eve had fallen into the trap of believing a lie from the serpent Satan. He tells them; "the only reason God has told you not to eat from the tree of life, you will be like God."

There is no one else like God. There is no truth in the devil's words. Tell me who else can hang billions of stars and name them all by their name? Tell me who else can create the air to be 21% oxygen so a man can breathe normal air into his lungs? Let's say the air was 50% oxygen, each time one tried to light up a match, we would all be toast.

Tell me who else can create the sun to be 93 million miles away from the earth so that were not crispy creatures from being overheated, or frozen to death because any other distance and we wouldn't survive.

There is no better life than living out the blueprint God drew out for your life. Anything less is a fallen tragedy. Choose today to GET UP. Fall into the everlasting arms of Christ. He's waiting for you. You will never regret it; all of this life and eternity will say so.

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