Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Forgotten In A Hole? (2)

Genesis 41:1-57
Would Joseph be forever forgotten in his dark prison hole? Would anyone remember him? Would God ever bring to pass the dream that was impregnated in his heart? One day the ole former inmate, now the Kings cupbearer remembers a dreamer. King Pharaoh was stressed out over a dream that no man could interpret. The inmate says, "I know someone in a deep dark hole that can interpret your dream."

God may not ever get in a hurry, but He is always on time. God had a man in the right place at the right time to interpret Pharaoh's dream. Joseph is cleaned up, and brought to the king. "Here is what your dream means, There is coming seven years of plenty, then will come seven years of famine. Take the seven years of plenty and store up grain, so that during the seven years of famine, the people will survive."

The King responds, "Where could I find such a man who would manage and oversee such a project?" Pharaoh says, "Where else could I find a man with God's spirit in him like you?" At that point, Pharaoh placed Joseph in charge of all the kings' affairs and declares, "All my people will report to you, only as King will I be over you."

In one moment God takes a man from the pit to the palace. He promotes him to the prime minister of the land.  What was God doing in his life during these years of waiting? Was God grooming him for greatness? Did God see something coming that couldn't be seen to the natural eye?

Was something coming that was bigger than Joseph himself? Were his gifting and talents enough? Would he have to know and trust the God that could and would deliver him from and evil famine that would threaten to destroy the world and his own family?

It's the devil and hell that hates your dream, and will go to any depth to destroy what God is planning. God hasn't forgotten you regardless of how ugly things have been. It's easy to lose heart and passion in the dark. "Never doubt in the dark what God has spoken in the light." He didn't forget Joseph and He hasn't forgotten you and will bring to pass all that He has spoken. Even in your barrenness there is a harvest on the way. Forgotten in your hole? NEVER.


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