Sunday, April 22, 2012

Gearing Up For The Day (2)

Running marathons has never been my thing or strength. I'm able to run a bit and then walk some before I pick up the pace again in my neighborhood. If any of us are to have any success in running in our walk with God, you have to learn to gear up and be patient with God and yourself.
After being a pastor for several years, I've had the opportunity to see many people walk in their journey with God. Some start out so excited and passionate with God, and then they fall by the wayside with deadly discouragement and their doubts.

The writer of Hebrews reminds each of us that were not the only ones running in this race. We are compassed about with a great cloud of witnesses. It encourages me to know, were not in this thing alone. God has called many to run this race. Just as He helped Abraham and Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and Joshua, David, Daniel, Peter James and John and many others, so He will not leave you and I out.

He says; "Let us lay aside every weight." It's tough to run with extra unnecessary weight on your body. I've recently dropped 18 pounds in the last few months. Wow is it easier to run being a few pounds lighter. Nine months ago it took me on the average of 23 minutes to walk and run a mile. Big runner right? Now it takes me about 12 minutes to do my walk and run in a mile.

The point is it's taken several months to get to this point. It's real easy to quit when the run is hard. I'm still planning on shedding more pounds, because it's easier to run when you a bit lighter.

In order to run this race, the writer says; "run with patience." Chill out friend, be patient with yourself. I haven't cut my time down with ease and overnight. It takes time to create disciplines and time to trim back from the table and shed the extra weight that needs to come off. The flesh screams out for what it wants, only God can help us to overcome the stuff that tries to get in the way.

"Stay with it, don't give up, or give in till you get where God is trying to take you. God has a design and plan for you to finish strong and not finish dead.

We can all do this thing by looking unto Jesus who is the author and the finisher of our faith. What is it that you need to lay aside? Is it a hurt from a betrayal from a dear friend? Have you concluded that God let you down? Have you said; "I'm through, I'm finished, I'm bailing?" Joseph could have easily thrown in the towel had he not learned the virtue of patience.

God says; "Let us not be weary in well doing, in due season you shall reap if you faint not." (Galatains 6:9) Don't give up or give in, There is a reward for those who will gear up to succeed. Gear up each day with patience that God is for you and not against you. Who knows soon, you may be in a marathon.

1 comment:

  1. Amen!
    Finish strong. Not finish dead.
    Good analogy to your current life.
