Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Noah Found Grace

In the days of Noah, the world had become a sewer but the word says; "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." Genesis 6:8 

God gave him specific instructions in a time where the world had gone to pot. Is it possible that you can find your way out of a black dark hole? When things have gotten so bad that you can hardly see your way going forward? Would there be any hope for Noah and his wife and his kids in this sewer hole environment?

When God shines his favor on your life, there is always a way out of your dilemma. God tells Noah that he is going to destroy mankind. He gives him details to build and ark 450 feet long, 45 feet tall, and 75 feet wide. He lays out a blueprint for him to build it 3 stories high, put a window 18 inches from the top with a door on the side of the ship.

God tells Noah that He is going to destroy the world with a flood. It's amazing to me that regardless of how dark and bad things are in life, God always has a plan of deliverance for his kids. There has never been a situation yet that God didn't have a way out or a plan of victory for his own.

The key to getting out of your dilemma's is to follow closely to his word. The word of God will never fail you. The culprit in missing God's plan is when doubt and discouragement attempt to throw us off. Noah could have said; "but Lord, where am I going to get all the teakwood? Where am I going to find the chainsaws, the blades, where am I going to find the scaffolding, where am I going to find time to do this project and take care of my family at the same time? Where am I going to find the support that I need to make this happen? How am I going to catch a tiger and put him in the ship?"

The answer is taking it one step at a time. The situation before you and I today may look impossible. The key to getting through your ordeal is just one action at a time. Noah didn't build the ark overnight; it took Noah 100 years to build this ship. God had a cup of grace for each challenge that he would face along the way.

He could have focused on his doubts, his questions, his concerns, his just not knowing how, but rather he chose to just simply listen to God and obey. Where would he and his family have ended up, had he not used his faith to move forward one day at a time? 

One day God said; it's time for you to load up the ship with your family and the one of every species male and female. It was his obedience that brought their deliverance. When the rain began to fall, somebody had obeyed their way out of their darkness with the grace of God.

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