Saturday, July 28, 2012

God Put The Gold Back

Ezra 1:-11 All told, there were 5,400 gold and silver articles that Sheshbazzar took with him when he brought the exiles back from Babylon to Jerusalem.

All of us have lost something that we wanted back. Israel had lost their way with their God. Kings of Israel had turned their hearts to idol worship and God allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to haul them off to Babylon. They remained there in bondage for 70 long years.
Later God raised up King Cyrus of Persia who raided and destroyed Babylon and King Nebebuchadnezzar. God stirs up the heart of King Cyrus and he allows the people of God to go back to their homeland and to rebuild their temple and nation.

It's amazing to me to see just how much the Heavenly Father loves His people. The hand of God's mercy is greater than our minds can conceive. His mercies are fresh and new each and every morning. Have you lost something dear to your heart? Have you lost something that keeps you up at night? Have you wondered if you could ever get it back?

God is a God who wants to bless His children. Israel had walked away from God, and He allowed a wicked King out of Babylon to come and invade and destroy all that they had. They were stripped down to nothing, and became slaves and captives in another nation.

Does God give men another chance? Does God have a plan to get a man back to where he once was? Maybe you have a dad, a mom, a son, a daughter that has gotten so far off God's trajectory path for their life and has found themselves in left field. Friend, God never forgets anybody. No matter how far off track they have gotten. He still knows right where they are.

Would God forget His kids down in Babylon? Would He write them off? Would He choose to bury them in a forsaken land? Would He leave them down in that dark prison hole and forget them?

There never has been anyone yet that God didn't love, that God couldn't change, that God couldn't transform. God didn't forget Israel and He won't forget you.

As you read the book of Ezra, you will see God raised up this King of Persia to restore Israel back to their homeland. Better yet, he gave them back all the gold that had been taken some 70 years earlier. All the gold that King Neb had taken in the destruction of Jerusalem, now God was going to put His people back where they belonged and on top of that, He would put back all the gold, some 5400 items were all put back into the temple where they would correct their focus and worship to their God.

Don't ever underestimate the Love and Mercy of God to restore what's been lost. God can still restore anyone, anywhere, anytime through His love, compassion and mercy. He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

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